Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2114 Even if you coax her, she will understand.

Huang Xinling was also very smart. She listened to the conversations of several people and ate the green pepper rice in a hurry.

Luo Bi was so angry that she couldn't help but laugh when she saw this. To be honest, she didn't put much meat from exotic animals in the cooking, so she just cut a small piece and divided it into several portions. That's all, she can still offend people. Eye.

To put it bluntly, it is caused by the shortage of nutritious food.

Every family is like this, and no one can do anything about it.

This is still the beginning of the galaxy war season, and there will be more shortages in the future, so you must be careful about what you eat.

After seeing Huang Xinling off, Luo Bi went to look at the planting field on the balcony of her bedroom. It only covered an area of ​​40 to 50 square meters and the soil was very dry because it had not been taken care of for a long time.

Luo Bi kicked it with her feet. There was too little water and the soil was very hard.

Luo Bi's physical strength is not good. If it were before the galaxy war season, she would not toss the fields at night, but now that the food is in short supply, she can't just do nothing and let the planting fields idle. She must grow something to eat.

After finding a hoe from the warehouse, Luo Bi returned to the planting field, spread the medicine dregs and ash, and started plowing the ground from one end.

Luo Bi couldn't do farm work in the first place, and the more she worked, the more boring she became. The palms of her hands holding the hoe were burning. She leaned on the hoe to rest, and suddenly felt sorry for that plate of food. It would be silly for Huang Xinling to eat it all.

If it were anyone else, she would definitely not do this, but Fengling was saving the food she bought for her.

It was so distressing that Luo Bi couldn't bear it anymore, so she stopped resting and continued digging the ground with a hoe. She has a bad temper and is also a petty money-crazy person. It's definitely not good to keep thinking about these things in her mind, otherwise she won't sleep tonight.

Luo Bi freed her mind to work. After a while, she got tired again. She rested for a while and then continued to dig the ground.

She didn't want to work. She worked for a while and checked the time, and then checked the time for a while. When Fengling's call came over, Luo Bi had almost finished plowing the planting field.

Really not wanting to do it anymore, she threw away the hoe and turned on the faucet to irrigate the planting field.

"What's for dinner?" Fengling asked.

They mentioned food again, and Luo Bi felt a pain in her heart when she mentioned it.

"Don't mention it." Luo Bi didn't wait for the man to ask, and told her about the dinner: "I just don't understand. Jiang Zhi is sick. Isn't it nice that everyone is harmonious? Why can't she see her? Are others good?"

Fengling picked up the documents on the desk and took the opportunity to discuss: "How about you come back tomorrow?"

Luo Bi: "······"

She hasn't done anything yet. How can she leave just after arriving at Emperor Star?

Luo Bi dragged a chair and sat down: "I haven't gone to the fighting class yet, and the planting fields in the dormitory and apartment can't stay idle forever. I want to plant something to save money on buying other people's products. It will probably take a while before I can go back. "

Fei Lingduo doted on Luo Bi, and when she heard her doing farm work, she felt heartbroken: "Don't tire yourself, go to bed quickly."

"I'm not done yet." Luo Bi also wanted to go to bed, but couldn't.

Fengling was heartbroken: "Don't be in a hurry to plant things. Be good and go to bed quickly."

Luo Bi was emotionless and a conservative person at heart. Fengling's use of intimate words made her uncomfortable, so she responded perfunctorily and hung up the call.

Still good? Don't play this trick with her. Luo Bi won't be coaxed. She will understand if you coax her. She will never be coaxed by a man until she is dizzy and unable to find her.

Damn, she thought of that Xue Wan again.

No, I really couldn't sleep at night if I thought about it anymore. Luo Bi turned on the small optical computer and browsed vegetable seeds.

Then, I was angry again, it was too expensive.

Forget it, I won’t buy it yet.

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