Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2116 If you can’t touch the spoon, touch the spoon handle

Luo Bi didn't know what to refine, so she picked out a few spiritual plants and medicinal plants, and threw them into the cauldron to guide the flames.

The whole class knew that she was refining the furnace, and everyone looked tense. As expected, this furnace of Luo Bi exploded. Those who were close were covered in medicine residue and ash, while those who were far away choked and ran to the large balcony to rinse their mouths.

Liu Qin came back from the big balcony and ordered two little Leiyan warriors to put away the medicine residue and ashes: "Which of them blew up the furnace, you two should clean it carefully. Return the medicine residue and ashes to the class. If the class does not use it, you can sell it for interstellar coins."

Okay, this is also someone who can calculate, and the two little Leiyan warriors got busy.

Next, Luo Bi stopped refining, and she couldn't stay while refining others. Liu Qin let her play by herself, keeping an eye on other students and urging them to learn refining.

It's okay for talented students, they just do this, so refining is not difficult.

However, the little Leiyan warriors are not good. They are not familiar with refining. If you ask them to suddenly learn something unfamiliar, who can do this? I held the book and read it for a long time, but I didn't understand anything.

The Dou Zhan class is like this, and other classes with well-connected people are the same. Some classes don't know anything, and they are so confused after hearing about it.

But this does not prevent some people from being flexible. It doesn't matter if the head teacher of these classes doesn't understand it, just follow it. Talented students and Thunder Flame Warriors teach together. If the practice doesn't work, you can read the textbook.

If you can't touch the spoon, just touch the spoon handle. You can't fall behind others.

Luo Bi was playing by herself on the big balcony, and all the students in the fighting class were envious. Look at her, the instructors who were so excited were convinced. She could learn if she wanted to, and play if she didn't want to learn. How comfortable!

Wu Cheng was so envious that he had a headache after flipping through the textbook for a long time. He put down the textbook and waited for Liu Qin to come by and discuss it: "Teacher Liu Qin, I collected a lot of medicine residue and ash. Can I go to the dungeon and sell it?"

Liu Qin could see that Wu Cheng wanted to take the opportunity to go out and play, but she still nodded and said: "Go ahead and call Luo Bi. If someone wants medicine dregs and ash, ask them to exchange it with ingredients instead of interstellar coins."

The most scarce thing now is nutritious food, which you may not be able to buy even if you have interstellar coins.

Wu Cheng knew it very well. He went to the balcony and called Luo Bi: "I'm going to the underground city to sell medicine dregs and ashes. You have nothing to do, so come with me! Let's see if you can buy something good by the way."

Luo Bi stopped drinking water, stood up and said, "Buy a pound of tea, and the Douzhan class won't have any tea to drink."

The corner of Wu Cheng's mouth twitched: "Don't say one catty of ordinary tea. It's okay to buy five catties. If you want to buy nutritious tea, it's not easy. Not to mention it's ridiculously expensive. We may not be able to buy it. Many people want to buy tea. Not even."

Luo Bi hadn't been to the dungeon for a long time and didn't know anything: "Let's go and have a look."

Wu Cheng picked up a small bag of medicine dregs and ash and walked away. The students in the fighting class were chattering about good food, the talented students wanted fruits, and the little Leiyan warriors wanted exotic animal meat. There was a lot of quarrel between the two sides.

Bishop Lin Yanchong came to the fighting class, glanced at it, and felt very uncomfortable. These children were suffering during the galaxy war season: "Buy tea! If you don't eat the fruit, the meat of the alien beasts will not be enough to eat, so why not buy it?" Tea."

Hearing this, the students sighed, OK, let's just have tea. It's better to drink enough water than to eat food with no nutritional energy.

In the underground city where Wu Cheng and Luo Bi drove the hover car, medicine residue ash was quite popular, and someone soon came up to ask about the price.

Wu Cheng went back and forth with the person who bought it, and exchanged the medicine dregs and ash for half a catty of tea.

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