Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 212 Bad Temper

She actually made a stove of fans for her, and Luo Bi kicked the stove, she was really angry this time. Fans are rarely used in the 21st century, let alone in the future Interstellar, who would use fans in this era!

Luo Bi turned her head and stared at the rain outside and got angry for a while, but she still had to take out the things no matter what, she glanced at the fan of the furnace in the refiner very much. Nima looked more and more angry, inhaling and exhaling, she grabbed the fan out with air.

Throwing thousands of fans on the herbs, Luo Bi is so angry! She would be annoyed enough to refine such a useless antique thing as a fan, but it turned out to be not the normal size, even the handle and fan are only as big as a palm, what the hell can such a small fan do?

I can't take it anymore, Luo Bi has a bad temper, now she is angry, and she has to vent it out. She ran to the kitchen to look for someone, but in vain, Li Feng also went to the river to fight the supernatural mutant crab.

"This batch of mutated crabs with crossing abilities are particularly powerful. There are too many injured people, and there is not enough manpower." A young Thunder Flame warrior was processing ingredients, and he sighed after speaking.

Aquatic creatures are different from original monsters. In the process of transforming into monsters, their powers will increase several times. As for how many times? He has never experienced it himself, but he heard that aquatic creatures at this stage are more terrifying than real monsters.

"Ah!" Thinking about it made him anxious, and after sighing again, he looked up to the river.

At this time, the heavy rain has turned into light rain, and at a glance, the situation by the river can be seen more or less clearly. Several rows of Thunder Flame Warriors are forming a wall, using their abilities to fight the blue crabs in the river, and the collision of water swords and fireballs can be heard even from a distance.

Luo Bi also tilted her head and glanced at the river. Why is she angry at the moment, and if she can't find anyone, she will blame the blue crab in the river, but she has no force value and can't beat the blue crab! Even if you want to vent your anger on the blue crab, you can't do it.

Luo Bi is a small-minded person, but if she is hated by her, she will try to show the other party some color. Now she thought about it, and took out a refined rope from the storage bracelet.

The noose was tied, and the high-grade thunder-attribute energy stone was installed on it, and she carried the rope and went to the river.

Since this kind of refined rope can catch a teal, she doesn't believe that it can't catch a blue crab walking sideways. Damn, even if it can't catch it, loosen its muscles and bones, and make it tremble all over.

Qin Rong was wounded, and he was watching the battle with other wounded at the back of the battlefield. When he saw Luo Bi approaching, he frowned and said, "What are you doing here? It's too dangerous, go back quickly."

Fireballs swished overhead, and Luo Bi also felt that it was quite dangerous, so she immediately activated the small defense array: "It's okay, I have a defense array, have you seen my brother and Jiang Yixin and Li Feng?"

"They are fighting." Qin Rong stared at the battle situation worriedly. In the water, the blue crab is the overlord who walks sideways. Humans dare not wade in the water. One side is in the water and the other side is on the shore. restricted.

Luo Bi waited and watched for a while and saw the problem. The Thunder Flame Warrior with water and lightning abilities was fine, but the ability to attack and become stronger when exposed to water, and the abilities of other attributes would not work.

The fire will extinguish when it meets water, and the attack will weaken as soon as metal and earth touch the water surface.

This situation? The human side is a bit aggrieved!

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