Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2155 You are lucky

Another fish!

Luo Bi was worried that the fish would run away, so she stepped on it hard. She didn't know why the fish was so energetic, and it was beating hard. Feeling like she could no longer step on, Luo Bi was afraid, but she still stepped on the other foot.

Nima, let you run.

"What's wrong with you?" Wen Xiao was also speechless. Now he also felt that Luo Bi was squeamish. What the hell was she doing?

Luo Bi is still scared! He stepped on the fish with both feet and dared not move: "I seem to have stepped on another fish."

Wen Xiao was startled, and Jiang Yixin was surprised: "What? Trampled another fish?"

Jiang Yixin was still envious of having stepped on a native crucian carp just now. Just when she was about to say something, Luo Bi actually stepped on another fish? Jiang Yixin instinctively thought it was impossible.

The reason is simple, fish are not so easy to catch.

"Ah, I stepped on something alive again." Luo Bi was angry. Why did Jiang Yixin react so slowly: "Do you want it? If not, I took my foot away and the fish moved again."

"Yes! How could you not want it?" Jiang Yixin finally came to her senses. She hurried over and reached out to touch the water. Then she couldn't help but smile on her face: "Luo Bi, you really stepped on another fish." , quite small in size.”

Is Luo Bi afraid? He hurriedly asked: "Are you ready?"

Jiang Yixin nodded, and Luo Bi hurriedly took her feet, planning to move them to the side to be farther away. However, just as she took a step to the side, she stepped on something hard and stung her foot.


What is it?

Luo Bi felt it, and Wen Xiao had already seen what was going on. Jiang Yixin was looking at the freshly caught native crucian carp, and did not pay attention to Luo Bi's expression, but Wen Xiao saw it.

Seeing Luo Bi's reaction, Wen Xiao immediately went over and asked eagerly: "Did you step on the fish again?"

"Probably not, it's hard, probably shellfish." Luo Bi was not afraid of hard things. She reached out to her feet, picked up the thing and rinsed it in the river water. Only then did she see that it was a fist-sized hairy crab.

Jiang Yixin's eyes widened as she carried the half-pound crucian carp, and her mouth opened in an O shape: "..."

This is rare! Not worse than native crucian carp.

The hairy crab was taken out of the water and waved its pincers arrogantly. The crab's pincers were not just for display, they were powerful and could pinch people.

Luo Bi reacted very quickly. She waved her hand and threw it towards Jiang Yixin with a "Oh my God". Jiang Yixin was not worried about being caught by the hairy crab's pliers, so she rushed to catch it. This was a hairy crab with high nutritional energy, so she couldn't let it go.

"Holy crap, such a big hairy crab!" Wen Xiao was shocked and leaned over to take a look in disbelief. He took the hairy crab from Jiang Yixin's hand and weighed it: "It is estimated to weigh less than half a catty."

Luo Bi is also very happy. Compared with fish, she is not so afraid of hairy crabs, but! She was frightened by the two fish just now, so she had to go to the shore and slow down.

"I'm on the shore," said Robby.

Wen Xiao was now able to speak easily. He put the native crucian carp and hairy crabs he had caught into Luo Bi's small fish basket: "Go ahead and catch river fresh food after a while. You are in luck."

Okay, Luo Bi nodded and tentatively walked to the shore. This place was less than five meters away from the shore. Luo Bi walked half a meter and stepped on another fish. It was jumping alive and full of energy.

"Mom!" Luo Bi was speechless and called her mother again.

Her mother, Guan Zhuting, didn't hear it. Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin immediately cheered up when they heard it.

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