Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2159 It’s okay to have a taste

Roger calmed down before following Luo Bi.

There is a bamboo forest at the back of the shallow river section. There are all kinds of bamboos, and everything is green at first glance. There are a number of other trees mixed in the bamboo forest. The few trees that have been around for thousands of years are basically small green trees.

Roger took a few steps and swayed slightly. During this period, his strong gene was manic and his energy replenishment was insufficient, so his body was very weak.

If things go on like this, his combat prowess will be worrying.

Luo Bi looked at Roger, and Roger looked back: "What are you looking at? You can't die."

Luo Bi was angry, ignored him, and walked away.

Zhu Xingshao and others went ashore to eat, but they didn't catch many fish in half a day, so they were listless. Luo Bi hurriedly called people: "Zhu Xingshao, come over here and help with some work."

The little brothers Zhu Xingshao were happy to work with Luo Bi. Sayazi ran over and Zhu Xingsu asked, "What kind of work are you doing?"

Luo Bi didn't hide anything. When she was walking to the bamboo forest, she told her about digging ginseng worms. Zhu Xingshao and others were dubious. They knew ginseng worms were good things, but they were hard to find. Where could they dig them up?

Roger followed slowly. He had no energy to talk and could only listen to Robbie chattering with a group of children.

"Ginseng worms are small and hard to find. It's better to catch fish." Zhu Xingshao was young and knew a lot. He raised his finger in several directions and said: "There are people digging shellfish and ginseng worms around here every day. They are basically women and children, and the harvest is not big. In one day, they only get about half a catty of shellfish. There is less meat and more shells, but if you don’t eat them, it’s okay to have a fresh taste.”

"They can occasionally dig up ginseng worms, only three or two, and they don't eat them at all." Zhu Xingshao sighed, followed everyone into the bamboo forest, and continued to talk, "I'm not telling you, Luo Bi, digging for ginseng worms is not as good as catching fish." "

Luo Bi didn't listen to what he said. She glanced at the bamboo forest and knew something in her heart: "Okay, I know. You pick up small branches and break them. They don't need to be too long. About half a meter should be about right. What? Trees will do too.”

Zhu Xingzhi stopped talking, and the children scattered around, picking up small branches and breaking them.

Zhu Xingzhi broke one, took the small branch with branches and leaves and ran to ask Luo Bi: "Do the branches and leaves need to be cleaned?"

"It's for marking. No need to clear the branches and leaves." Luo Bi took the machete, picked out the small branches, and placed them one by one.

When the children saw it, they followed the same example and put the broken twigs together. Roger pulled a lot of small vines, smoothed the leaves, and tied the twigs into bundles for easy transportation.

Luo Bi estimated that it was much worse, so everyone walked towards the river holding small branches.

At this time, Qin Yilang and his team had already rushed back. Everyone was very suspicious. They were looking at the beaches on both sides of the flood river. Wen Xiao couldn't see anywhere where ginseng could be dug.

"Where are you going to dig ginseng worms?" Jiang Yixin's eyes fell on the twigs held by a group of children, and she asked doubtfully: "Why are you breaking so many twigs? Do you need twigs to dig ginseng worms?"

Several women digging shellfish passed by and looked over with curiosity.

When Luo Bi was annoyed, Roger said, "It's for marking."

Now everyone understood. Qin Yilang squinted his eyes due to the sun and stopped Jiang Yixin: "Okay, there's so much nonsense."

Everyone knows what Luo Bi's temperament is, and she doesn't like to show off in front of others. In this case, Qin Yilang naturally wants to help her cover it up, so that no one will be tempted.

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