Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2163 It doesn’t work

After the galaxy war season, nutritional and energy ingredients are in short supply, and both adults and children understand this.

Therefore, the ginseng can dig up one by one.

It’s not impossible to be mean-spirited, but other people are not stupid either. If you dare to do the first grade of junior high school, others will dare to do the fifth grade of junior high school. As long as they can dig out the ginseng worms, Zhu Xingsu and Zhu Xingshao have no intention of leaving this to exchange for another ginseng worm. Digging holes.

Zhu Xingmao waded in the shallow river and found another mark made by a small branch. He grabbed the small branch and pulled it with a small hoe. This time the child dug carefully, fearing that he would dig out the ginseng hole again. .

Zhu Xingshao went over to give some guidance, and after Zhu Xingzhu dug out a white ginseng worm, he felt relieved and went back to dig the ginseng worm hole that Zhu Xingsu had dug with Zhu Xingsu. Zhu Xingsu had already dug half a foot deep, but he couldn't find the ginseng worm. insect.

The sergeants of the combat team were not much better than the children of the Zhu family. They rummaged through several tools and picked one at random and started. However, it didn't work. After struggling for a long time, the wormhole was gone.

Unlike the children of the Zhu family, the sergeants did not have brothers as helpers. Even if they did, the elder brothers would not care about such a big brother.

The ginseng worm holes have been dug until you can't find them. It's good if you don't peel them off. I hope you can be my brother's helper and just wait and see!

Therefore, the careless sergeant could only continue digging as hard as he could.

Luo Bi was too busy by herself, so she called one of the children from the Zhu family to look for a ginseng worm hole together. The child stomped here and there, but couldn't find a ginseng worm hole. This was very embarrassing for the child. It's so light that my little eyebrows are twisted into twists.

Jiang Yixin leaned over and said, "I'll come, you go dig ginseng worms!"

The child ran away. Jiang Yixin stepped on it for a long time, but was driven away by Luo Bi: "I asked you to find a ginseng worm hole, not to play in the mud. You should leave quickly. It will only add chaos. If you have time, you might as well go dig ginseng worms." "

Jiang Yixin had no choice but to withdraw, and Luo Bi became more and more successful as she searched. She was worried that the team digging for ginseng would catch up too quickly, and she was also thinking about her grilled fish. There was no need to go back and look, the fish must have been cooked long ago, but there was nothing she could do if she couldn't leave.

The location was almost found. Luo Bi looked south and north, and Wen Xiao gave her an idea: "You said there are ginseng insects in the north. Let's go to the north and Jiang Yixin and I will accompany you."

"No need." Luo Bi called a child from the Zhu family over: "Go and call my brother and Aunt Zhu over. I will go to the north to find the ginseng cave. When the people are called, come and find me."

"I'll go right away, I know where they are."

The child gave the small fish basket to his cousin Zhu Xingsu, and called a younger brother to leave. The two children split up. One went to the shore to find Guan Zhuting, the other went to the farther waters to find Hua Ran and Mrs. Zhu, and the other led by Zhu Xingjie A group of Zhu family children were also with Mrs. Zhu.

After a while, Hua Ran, Zhu Xingjie, and Zhu Xingyun all came back, followed by Mrs. Zhu and a group of women. By this time, Luo Bi had already found a lot of wormholes. After everyone arrived, they started hurriedly.

"Oh my god, there really are ginseng worms." Xu Yi dug out two shovels and dug out a white ginseng worm.

Lan Xi approached and said, "Let me take a look. It's only one year old. It's so small."

"Not too young."

Xu Yi rinsed the ginseng worms in the river and put them away. He quickly grabbed the small branch next to him and continued digging for ginseng worms with the shovel. Xu Yi had heard that whoever dug it wanted it, so why not hurry up and grab it? !

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