Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2167 Money Obsession

Luo Bi liked to join in the fun, but she was worried that she wouldn't be able to get up tomorrow, so she hesitated and was not persuaded by Jiang Yixin.

However, Cai Mi asked for a plate of fried ginseng, and Luo Bike didn't know what to do.

Let’s eat?

It's not impossible. Fried ginseng smells delicious and tempting. Luo Bi thinks she can do it. Others have eaten it, so why can't she?

So she planned to try it, but after brewing for a long time, she didn't have the courage.

Oh my god, Robby quickly threw it back on the plate.

"Fengling, you can eat it!" Luo Bi pushed it to Fengling.

Feng Ling only eats food if she is careless. She doesn't even go to her parents' house unless she sees Luo Bi, just because there are ginseng worms on the Luo family's dining table. Fengling had a clear conscience and would not be fooled. Luo Bi was a money fan and asked her to solve the problem herself.

Luo Bi sat on the sofa silently, she had many ideas.

Fengling glanced at her, took out the fresh exotic meat harvested today, cut about a pound of it, and marinated it. I went back and picked up two native crucian carp, three hairy crabs, one native crucian carp stewed in soup, and one grilled.

"Why don't you give it to the general? They are all relatives." Luo Bi found the owner of the plate of fried ginseng. Fried ginseng is meat and cannot be given to unrelated people. She thought about it and gave it to General Qi Lan. It's quite appropriate.

Fengling laughed dumbly: "Okay, you make the decision."

While adjusting the barbecue sauce, Fengling turned on the communicator and dialed General Qi Lan.

After a while, Tang Shao drove over in a military hover vehicle and took five tender corns in exchange for a plate of fried ginseng.

Luo Bi thought it was a good deal, so she happily picked two young corns and threw them in the pot to cook. The next time she had something good, she would give it back to General Qi Lan.

Luo Bike likes to eat boiled corn. She doesn't like eating it when it's too tender. She prefers the older kind, which gets better and better the more she chews it.

There was tender corn cooking in the pot. Luo Bi went to take a look after a while, but Fengling ignored her.

When the tender corn was cooked, Luo Bi held it and gnawed it. Fengling knew that Luo Bi couldn't eat the native crucian carp soup, so she calmly scooped up a small bowl of crucian carp soup and fed Luo Bi a mouthful from time to time.

Now it's better. Luo Bi couldn't eat the boiled corn after eating it. You think this man is so shady!

Luo Bi groaned angrily and walked around on the large balcony. She felt really sleepy and went back to the bedroom to play with a small optical computer on the bed. Fengling tidied up the kitchen, washed herself, leaned on the bed and hugged Luo Bi to handle military affairs.

Luo Bi was tired today, so she threw away the small optical brain and fell asleep quickly in the man's arms.

The next day, Fengling led a team to go on a mission to Blazing Star early in the morning. Luo Bi followed Qin Yilang, He Yun and the others to Qingyao Star.

Fortunately, this morning, the other combat teams had not recovered from the same as yesterday. In the afternoon, Lan Ze's team, Gao Yunlin's team, and Yang Yu's team got together.

Then it became lively. Several teams dug ginseng worms together, and they were rude to each other and rushed to dig ginseng worms.

Luo Bi didn't care about this, she just walked back and forth to play, and when the small fish basket was full, she went to find Hua Ran. Then Hua Ran returned to the shore, and when she came back, she gave the small fish basket to Luo Bi, and Luo Bi continued walking.

Another day passed, and the team digging for ginseng grew larger and larger.

Luo Bi thought about it while she was walking around. Anyone with a long brain would be able to figure out the matter of digging ginseng worms very quickly. Instead of letting strangers take advantage, it would be better to let people with whom she has good connections dig ginseng worms. She also has her own friend circle.

The Lan family hunting team was not far away. A group of children were busy when Luo Bi passed by. Lan Bao was carrying river fresh food back and forth on her short legs.

The child's eyes lit up when he saw Luo Bi: "Luo Bi."

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