Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2169 The Girl Who Fucks a Spoon

The child was so angry that he stopped talking and quickly picked up the ginseng worms.

Luo Bi went back after using up the twigs. Qin Yilang and Luo Jie knew that she asked the Lan family children to look for ginseng insects together and didn't say anything. Everyone had their own fun circles, and they really couldn't control what Luo Bi wanted to do. .

If you are not convinced, you can give it a try, and they won’t let you play next time.

"Luo Bi, why did you let the children of the Lan family dig ginseng worms together?" When Luo Bi walked up to her, Madam Zhu asked her. Madam Zhu didn't mean anything else, she just asked.

Luo Bi had her own considerations and didn't mind telling Mrs. Zhu: "I can only find ginseng in shallow water sections, but I can't find it in other places. It's June now, and it hasn't rained for such a long time. Maybe one day it will..." When it rains, the water level rises and the ginseng worm holes cannot be found, so the time to dig ginseng worms is very short. I wonder if everyone can dig more."

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhu took it seriously, thought for a moment and asked, "How about I ask more people to dig?"

Who to ask? It might rain at night, so Luo Bi replied: "I don't care."

Mrs. Zhu understood it, and people like Xu Yi and Lan Xu also understood it. Whoever liked it could dig it, but Luo Bi didn't care about it. Now that everyone knew what was going on, they called their relatives and friends one after another, asking them to come to Qingyao Star to dig for ginseng as soon as possible, and grab some before it rained.

If you don't dig it, it's all in vain. This is a nutritional and energy food.

Besides, the team digging for ginseng is so big that only a fool can’t see what’s going on. There are already many teams joining in. Is it possible to take advantage of these unknown people if they don’t call in their relatives and friends?

But pull it down!

Hua Ran asked Luo Bi and called Luo Huan to explain the situation.

Luo Huan was on a mission and said, "Okay, I understand."

Senior officers such as Qin Yilang and Luo Jie were not idle either. They contacted their relatives and friends. Soon a team arrived. The planet was too far away to reach them, so they were on their way.

Before lunch, Luo Bi wandered over to the Lan family's children's small territory. The children shouted to her to come over and took the fish basket to show off the ginseng. Luo Bi was so frightened that she quickly moved away.

"I'm afraid of this!" Luo Bi was depressed.

The children were confused: "Huh? What's so scary about ginseng?"

Although they said this, the children still took the fish basket away. He Weiqing saw it from a distance and poked Lan Rui.

Lan Rui glanced in this direction and walked over to say hello to Luo Bi. Luo Bi had a faint look on her face. She had not forgotten how this kid had tricked her in the first place. He actually arranged her to be placed in the mixed department junior class. It was too confusing. .

Lan Rui didn't care about Luo Bi's coldness, so he opened his mouth and said, "Speaking of which, our relationship is not far apart. Are we still related?"

Luo Bi tilted her head to look at her and motioned for him to continue breaking it off. Lan Rui said, "What's that look in your eyes? I'm serious."

Then Lan Rui explained her family relationship: "You see, Lan Xun is from our Lan family. I call Lan Xun my cousin. There is nothing wrong with Xun Xun being from our Lan family! If he calls you aunt, we can't talk about it." They are just relatives!”

Luo Bi couldn't help but laugh after hearing this. Lan Rui glanced at her and called a group of children from the Lan family over and said, "Luo Bi is Xun Shao's aunt. You and Xun Shao are of the same generation, so you should also be called aunt. Don't be stupid." , call me aunt."

The children of the Lan family were stunned for a moment, and all called them aunt.

"Aunt, aunt, aunt..."

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