Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2178 She thought others couldn’t see what she was thinking

Luo Hang loved his child. He was worried that Luo Bi would not be able to eat well, and he was also worried that the child would be dissatisfied with his cooking skills. No matter how hard he felt, the pain would not be enough. He only had this child in his life, so it hurt from the bottom of his heart.

Luo Bi suddenly thought of Xue Wan who learned everything from her. Xue Wan only learned from her to make crab pots. She even learned from Xue Wan how to get along with family members. She felt disgusted when she thought of it.

No need to ask, it was definitely Xue Zhijiao who told Xue Wan.

If she had known that there would be such a uncooked person with erroneous views imitating her, Luo Bi would never show her true nature in front of others, she would imitate everything, she would be so shameless.

When it was time to eat in the evening, the weather was still warm from the day. Luo Bi brought over a pot of cool bamboo and said to her father: "Don't think about me in the future. Some people think that I am good at everything and are jealous, which makes my parents jealous." I will all learn from you and pamper her."

Luo Hang was confused when he heard this, and his hand holding the chopsticks paused: "There are still such boring people? Why should I learn from you? Don't you work?"

Luo Hang just said this casually, Luo Bi was so delicate that she was not the type to work since she was a child. Luo Hang doesn't think his child has anything to worry about. Luo Bi doesn't work at home. Is it possible that she can learn this?

But she was right, Luo Bi said "ah" hard, and said angrily: "She just imitates me in not working, imitates my way of speaking, imitates my personality, she imitates things that I don't even pay attention to, damn." , what is there to learn? I am born with this kind of character, what will she do if she doesn’t learn it by herself? You won’t want to replace me, right? But my father is mine, my mother is mine, and my brother is mine. What’s wrong with this thing? Can’t you change it by studying?”

"Damn it!" Luo Bi cursed.

Guan Zhuting listened in disbelief and took a small bowl to ladle soup: "Is this person you said is crazy?"

Otherwise it doesn't make sense, normal people don't do this.

"Who knows!" Luo Bi didn't take Xue Wan seriously at first, but the more she talked, the angrier she became. She took the roasted corn from the grill and didn't find it delicious, and continued: "I don't go to school, and she doesn't either. Go to school, just because they called me aunt last time in Qingyao Star Five Spoons, the Xue family got four little piglets as nephews, what the hell! Does she have nephews? She just wants to be aunt, she also I thought others couldn’t tell what she was thinking.”

Luo Hang's face darkened as he listened: "What is she thinking?"

In this aspect, his mind was not as fast as Luo Bi's. Luo Bi laughed and said, "Wait, I want to see how far she can go. I ignored her and let her make her own decisions. There are other things that come from outside." To treat interstellar humans as fools, there are quite a few human beings in the Xue family, it would be strange not to squeeze her out completely."

Hua Ran came down from upstairs, Luo Bi stopped talking, and the family sat down to eat.

"Where did the tender corn come from?" Luo Bi then remembered to ask. She had gnawed half of the corn, and broke off the remaining piece and gave it to Guan Zhuting: "Mom, let me try it for you, I'm almost full."

Guan Zhuting took it, Luo Hang looked over and said nothing, but replied to Luo Bi: "In exchange for ginseng."

No wonder, using Star Coins might be expensive. Luo Bi finished the rest and left the table quickly. After washing her hands, she started playing with cool bamboo in the yard. There were two pots at home, and the plants were still small. Next time she went on a mission, she would go look for them in the bamboo forest and bring one back.

At the end of the meal, all the fried ginseng and ginseng soup were consumed.

Hua Ran and Guan Zhuting dig ginseng worms for one day, which is enough for their family to eat for one day.

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