Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 219 Buying the Medicine Cauldron

Give it back to her? Luo Bi didn't dare to ask for it anymore, and quickly refused: "No need, it will blow up to me."

In fact, Hu Li was not very willing to give. Luo Bi refused her and said nothing. After standing for a while, she left with Lan Yingying. They were very busy, but not as busy as Luo Bi.

As soon as the two left, Hua Ran followed. He was not at ease when he heard that Luo Bi blew up the medicine cauldron to the sky. Although Colonel Roger said that he was fine, he still wanted to take a look for himself.

"Is the fryer okay just now?"

Hua Ran saw Luo Bi squatting down to pick up the debris in the grass, and also squatted down to help pick it up. His hands were not as delicate as Luo Bi's. He picked up a few sharp pieces and threw them into the dustpan.

"I was just shocked." After a while, Robbie said in a low voice.

Hua Ran heard that the voice was wrong, but turned her head to see that Luo Bi was indeed crying.

Hua Ran stopped what she was doing and asked, "Colonel Roger killed you just now?"

Luo Bi seldom cried. Hua Ran saw her cry a few times, but she thought her father Luo Hang's words were too serious and she couldn't bear to cry. She was pampered and spoiled, which was not the same as being wronged. Luo Bi cried to him, and Hua Ran felt an indescribable worry in her heart.

"No, no one hurt me." Seeing her relatives, Luo Bi was extremely aggrieved: "I don't know why, but I just want to cry." After speaking, the tears could not be stopped, just wiped them away and flowed down again.

"No one said anything about you, there's nothing to cry about." Hua Ran felt relieved, and handed her a pack of tissues: "Don't cry."

"Hmm!" Robbie took out a tissue to wipe away her tears.

Hua Ran cleaned up briefly, and brought a basin of clean water to Luo Bi: "Wash your face, and I will accompany you to the pharmacy to buy a medicine cauldron."

Luo Bi threw away the tissue, washed her face with water, and when she wiped her face with a towel, she hesitated: "Brother, it's not good for you to leave at this time."

"Let's go back quickly." Hua Ran turned around and said, "I'm going to drive the suspension car."

At this time, it was the time of employing people, and it was really bad for him to leave, but once Luo Bi cried, he couldn't care so much. Compared with other things, family is the most important thing, besides, it doesn't take too long to go to the pharmacy.

Luo Bi got on the suspension car, and Hua Ran drove her straight to the biggest market.

On the way, Luo Bi said: "Brother, I can't use the medicine cauldron used by others. The medicine cauldron that exploded into the sky was given to me by Hu Li."

Hua Ran was slightly surprised, he was stuck with refining medicine, nodded and said: "Got it."

There were still so many people in the Qishi Guild's pharmacy, and the noise was mainly because they were rushing to buy elixir.

Hua Ran and Luo Bi went straight to the medicine cauldron area, this time they were received by a pale young clerk, he said politely, "What price do you want for the medicine cauldron?"

Hua Ran didn't understand this. He looked at Luo Bi, who pointed to the small green jade tripod with a price tag of 500,000 and said, "Can this kind of tripod be cheaper? If it's cheaper, I'll ask for more."

The young clerk pondered for a moment: "How many do you want?"

"Three or five are fine." Luo Bi didn't want to go to the pharmacy if he didn't want to blow up a medicine cauldron, so he had better prepare a few more insurances.

"I'll ask our supervisor." The young clerk can't decide on this matter.

"We're in a hurry, please hurry up." Robbie urged.

The young clerk nodded. He was not in good health, so he couldn't run fast even if he wanted to, and he came back after ten minutes: "Our supervisor said, if you want more of this kind of small tripod, you can pay 450,000 interstellar coins each." .”

Four hundred and fifty thousand is not cheap, Luo Bi thought for a while and bought two, a total of 900,000 interstellar coins.

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