Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2193 Just that idiot

Lan Yan still didn't understand what was going on and glanced at Luo Bi several times. Why was such a good person so angry? He didn't say anything?

Luo Bi didn't know what she wanted to know. Feeling annoyed, she took a hoe and walked around. She didn't have a small branch in her hand to use as a tool, so she kicked it with her feet or used her feet to stir up the plants. She looked at them carefully, then removed her feet, and the plants returned to their original shape.

After doing this, Robbie goes away.

Lan Yan glanced back and was confused: "..."

"I just finished it, what are you doing?" Lan Yan reached out and was about to lift the plant and take a look, but Luo Bi stopped him: "Don't move when I finished it. There are ginseng down there. I can't find it. I blame you?" "

As soon as Lan Yan heard that there were ginseng worms, his eyes lit up and he did not dare to touch any plant. Luo Bi was rummaging through vegetables and grasses in front of him, while Lan Yan was studying behind him and could only look at them. He was afraid of poking the ginseng worms. Gone.

Lan Yan deliberately asked how you knew there were ginseng worms under these plants. This thought only swirled in his mind, but he did not ask. Finding ginseng worms is also a survival skill. It was not good for him to ask about it.

Several groups of people looking for river fresh food came to the river bank one after another. They didn't have time to wander around. They each found a place, put down their small buckets and started digging. They might be able to dig up a small shellfish in half a day.

If it were in the past, some people might not understand Luo Bi's casual remarks, saying that she was lazy, not working, etc. People who knew her would say that she was spoiled and had all kinds of dissatisfaction.

However, the sun was shining brightly at this time, and the women were exhausted from the sun. Who still had the time to spare? They all curled their lips to show disdain, and kept their heads busy for a while.

Luo Bicai ignored them and didn't know them. No matter what they thought or liked, anyone who couldn't stand it was just free. I can barely keep up with the food, and I still have the leisure to talk about others. What is this other than leisure?

Here Luo Bi and Lan Yan were strolling on the river bank looking for ginseng. On the other side, Lan Huang heard that he had found ginseng. He was still a little hesitant. The child who called him stamped his feet anxiously: "Hurry up, what if someone robs them?" ?”

Lan Huang no longer hesitated and called all the little brothers to rush over.

The children of the Lan family walked from the shore very fast, and they were laughing and joking in order not to attract attention. Others just thought they had changed places and didn't think much about it. He Weiqing felt strange and went over to ask.

Lan Huang hesitated: "... Let's go to the river bank."

He Weiqing didn't even say what he was going to do. He Weiqing said clearly: "Luo Bi and Lan Yan are together?"

This can be said. Lan Huang nodded. He Weiqing understood and raised his hand to signal them to leave: "Be careful. If someone bullies you, send someone back to report it. Young Master Rui and I will go there immediately."

Lan Huang grinned: "Don't worry, no one dares to bully our Lan family."

"That's not necessarily the case. There are people who are blind." He Weiqing sneered. In the past two days, some people have been shamelessly snatching fresh food from people's rivers, and even yelling about beating scumbags in the face. It's extremely funny to think about it.

Lan Huang obviously knew who he was talking about and answered: "Is that the idiot?"

He Weiqing smiled and nodded: "That's not the idiot."

They didn't bother to talk about this weird thing of putting crab pots in other people's fishing nets. Lan Huang left with his brothers with a look of contempt. The crab pots had been refined by Zhihuangxing two years earlier, but that idiot treated him like a treasure. She said she came up with it. Lan Huang had never seen such a shameless person.

Are you still slapping a scumbag in the face and saying he is the best?

Laughing to death.

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