Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2218 The alien beast’s combat power upgrades

It rained again in the evening, and the next day it was sunny and windy.

Luo Bi got up in the morning and put aside the vegetable seeds that Fengling brought back last night. There was not enough medicine residue and ash, and the seeds were useless.

Dragging a small chair, Luo Bi originally wanted to clean up the spiritual plants, but then she thought why? It would be good if she refined the small alchemy cauldron for Wen Yao, but Lingzhi would suffer a loss if he had to handle it himself.

Therefore, the carefree temperament is the same in every aspect.

Luo Bi sent a message to Wen Yao, and Wen Yao sent Wen Xiao over. Wen Xiao was not on a mission today, so he rushed over within a few minutes, followed closely by Wei Zi, who came to play with Luo Bi.

The weather is changeable these days. It's fine in the morning, but it might rain heavily in the evening. Therefore, it's not that the family is really short of nutritious food, no one will go on a mission at this time.

Going on a mission does not mean that you have strong combat power. You must prepare sufficient resources. Energy liquid, energy stones, elixirs, weapons and equipment are all indispensable, otherwise you will not be able to fight the alien beasts at all.

Still hunting?

Let’s have some fun!

Today's alien beasts are not the alien beasts of the galaxy's prime years. The alien beasts after their combat power have been upgraded are extremely powerful. A medium-sized hunting team can handle one first-level alien beast, but one more one will not be able to cope with it. .

Wen Xiao picked up the small chair, sat down and took a spiritual plant: "How to deal with it? Is it still the same as before?"

Wen Xiao is from the wind system. Luo Bi hesitated: "I suggest you call someone from the fire system. Wood system will also work. Your superpowers deal with spiritual plants. The small alchemy cauldron refined does not have the fire system and wood system." It’s tied well.”

Well, Bai is here, and Wen Xiao calls his brother over again.

Wei Zi can't stay any longer. They are both talented people, and Luo Bi refines that it is not suitable for her to stay here. Luo Bi didn't care at first, but then thought of Xue Wan, so she didn't stop Wei Zi from leaving.

"I'll go home and refine it too." Wei Zi left.

As soon as Wen Yao came, Wen Xiao stepped aside. All kinds of powerful spiritual plants and medicinal plants were placed in front of him. Wen Yao processed them one by one. Luo Bi gave him a small bamboo knife and used the bamboo knife to process the spiritual plants. Can reduce energy loss.

Wen Xiao did not leave. He moved a chair and watched his brother busy on one side. Luo Bi ignored them and set up a furnace on the other side. He threw a hundred processed spiritual plants and medicinal plants into it and waved his hand to guide the flames to be refined.

Wen Xiao stopped looking at his brother and pulled up a small chair to chat with Luo Bi: "What did you refine in this furnace?"

"Learning blindly." Luo Bi replied to him.

Refining for the purpose of blowing up the furnace is just refining it blindly! She, Luo Bi, expected to be able to refine something, so she wanted the medicine dregs and ashes after the furnace was blown up. She had heard Wei Zi say that there were fewer edible wild vegetables in the wild now, and it would be impossible to just eat meat without growing vegetables.

Hey, what are you having for lunch? Luo Bi thought about it, she had finished eating all the river fish she caught a while ago, and there was still rice at home, which Fengling brought back.

How about steamed rice for lunch?

Rice steamed with bamboo knots is delicious. If you want fresh bamboo, you have to go to an undeveloped planet.

Wen Xiao: "...You're practicing blindly!"

Wen Xiao found it funny: "You should save on refining materials. Things are different now. The alien beasts' combat power has been upgraded, and the Thunder Flame Warrior's combat power level has been readjusted. Missions are becoming more and more difficult."

Luo Bi was stunned. She didn't know any of this: "What level are you at now?"

There is nothing to hide about the combat power level. Wen Xiao said listlessly: "I am a first-level mid-level thunder flame warrior. Jiang Yixin is a second-level low-level thunder flame warrior. Her physical strength is SS level, the same as Fengling."

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