Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 224: Hatred

"You might as well have a conversation with your brother." Qin Rong, who was spraying the poisonous powder on the wound, said.

Luo Bi is notoriously useless in refining medicine. Instead of letting her go to the fryer to waste Lingzhi, it is better to stay here to distract Hua Ran. The pain of a manic attack is not something ordinary people can bear.

"No way..." Luo Bi looked at Hua Ran's closed eyes and forbearance, and couldn't help crying again: "I'm going to refine it too, woooo...."

Faced with the injury of her relatives, Luo Bi was helpless and resentful. She didn't know what she could do, she just wanted to do her part, and tried her best to make Hua Ran get better, or to make Hua Ran less painful.

Luo Bi couldn't stay any longer, she couldn't bear the pain of her relatives, but she wanted to be with her brother, entanglement and frustration were mixed together, and hatred arose in Luo Bi's heart. Mutated crab with supernatural powers, wait, if her brother has a good or bad thing, she, Luo Bi, will never die with these beasts in this life.

I vow not to give up until I don't destroy this family.

Luo Bi was furious, Feng Ling handed a bottle of third-grade elixir to Hua Ran, turned around and said, "If you want to go, go, I am here with Hua Ran." Luo Bi is also sad to stay here, it is better to let her go out to find it. Do something, besides, Feng Ling can't see Luo Bi crying, and his heart hurts from crying tears.

Luo Bi wiped away her tears: "You have to take good care of my brother!"

Feng Ling wanted to go over and wipe away Luo Bi's tears, but he didn't move after all, just said: "Don't worry."

Luo Bi cried and went out. She walked quickly, and arrived at the small world she made, and took out some spiritual plants that calm the nerves. She only has the prescription of Zhixue powder in her hand, and she doesn't know anything about other prescriptions, but now Luo Bi really has no other way, her brother needs a tranquilizer.

Therefore, she can only refine this elixir.

Even if Luo Bi didn't have a prescription and didn't know anything about tranquilizing medicine, she still wanted to try it. What else? Sitting and waiting to die is definitely not something she would do, no matter whether there is a way or no way, she must wade out a way out.

Luo Bi chose carefully, calming the nerves, nourishing Qi and calming the mind, she selected some of each, and then processed them, and put them all into the medicine cauldron.

After doing this, Luo Bi looked at Ling Zhi in the medicine cauldron and took a deep breath, closed the lid and stood up. After she stared at the medicine cauldron step by step, when she retreated two meters away, she waved her hand, without mobilizing her mental power, she waved it instantly, and immediately lifted the red emerald fire source under the medicine cauldron.

It was easy for Luo Bi to guide the source of fire. At the same time, her soul source power also covered the surface of the spiritual plant, and no spiritual energy could escape.

Luo Bi was crying while refining. She had been going smoothly in her previous and present lives, without major incidents. This time, Hua Ran was injured and severely stimulated her. Luo Bi hated and resented, she wiped her tears one after another, and some of them flowed into her mouth, salty and astringent.

tears? Luo Bi was stunned suddenly, the batch of tacky step daggers she refined was in the shape of tears. That style, that look, and in the shape of tears? Thinking about it, Luo Bi wiped her tears and smiled, she finally knew what those beads were for.

Knowing the purpose of the step-shaking beads, Luo Bi began to care about the number of beads, a whole pot full of beads, so small in size, there should be a thousand of them! Or two thousand? Robbie couldn't figure it out.

Two hours later, Luo Bi didn't have the time to count the number of step-shaking beads. The refining furnace was about to end, but the medicine cauldron hadn't exploded yet?

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