Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2245 Crab pots are 80% the same

Luo Bi didn't want to stay here and join in the fun. She stood up and said, "I don't know which planet is better."

Fengling laughed dumbly, Qin Yilang said: "...I didn't talk a lot just now, why don't I know."

Wen Yao also found it funny. Roger wanted to tease Luo Bi a few words, but Feng Ling gave her a cold glance: "Come on, don't mess with her anymore. I'm busy with business, so I quickly picked a mission planet."

Roger swallowed back the words that came to his lips and stopped messing with Robbie.

Luo Bi leisurely went for a walk around the planting fields. When he came back, Fengling, Luo Jie, Wen Yao, and Qin Yilang decided on the mission planet, the Bamboo Star between Blazing Star and Blue Obsidian Star, and the one to the west of Blue Obsidian Star. Cuizhuxing is not a planet.

Dongcuizhuxing has undulating mountains, mountains and waters, and a rich variety of flowers, plants and trees. The level of exotic beasts should not be underestimated. After all, beasts also know what kind of environment is good. This planet is one of the planets that all forces can compete for.

East Cuizhu Planet is a second-level dangerous planet, with an area similar to that of West Cuizhu Planet. The number of alien beasts is currently unknown, so the original plan to set off tomorrow has been put on hold. Zhihuang Star plans to join other forces to open up a planting planet.

What is development?

Even if you bring your equipment and attack, who would dare to attack rashly without complete preparation?

When Luo Bi heard this, she thought it would be better to postpone her departure. She had a lively mind and had a lot to think about. She came back and sat next to Fengling and said, "Where is the crab pot I made back then? Isn't it broken? Give it to me and I'll make a new one." Throw it into the furnace to refine it."

Luo Jie was overjoyed and immediately dialed a message to General Qi Lan without waiting for Fengling to respond.

"Why did you suddenly think of refining the crab pot?" Qin Yilang looked away from the star map and asked. The crab pot had been broken for a long time, and he only remembered it here. No wonder Qin Yilang was confused.

Luo Bi's answer was simple. She just didn't want to take advantage. She took out a furnace and placed it in the small refining space on the large balcony, then selected the refining materials: "I can't help with anything else when attacking the planet. Maybe I We can supply ingredients, and the crab pots were used to catch river fresh food.”

Speaking of this, Luo Bi suddenly asked: "Is there a flood river in Cuizhuxing?"

If there is a flood river, can you catch river fresh food? Several Thunder Flame warriors laughed. They were not good at any job, but they preferred to supply food.

Is that your responsibility? Even if Luo Bi can take care of it, the Thunder Flame warriors don't think she can get the ingredients. The crab pot is broken, and before it is refined, it will be useless and no one will believe it.

Besides, it’s hard to say whether something that was useful before can be used now.

Almost none of the ones Luo Bi refined before can no longer be used, and most of the crab pots are the same.

"There is the Xun River, which is slightly less than the Qingyaoxing River." Qin Yilang replied to her.

Okay, Luo Bi knew it. After waiting for half an hour, Tang Shao delivered the broken crab pot.

After giving the crab pot to Luo Bi, Tang Shao hesitated and said, "Don't let it get lost."

Because it is unreliable, everyone is afraid of Luo Bi's troubles. If it is broken, it may be repaired by a high-level talent bonder, but it may not be possible in the hands of a half-hearted Luo Bi. If it is thrown into the furnace, it may be gone.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue was also afraid, so he told Tang Shaoqian that he must ask Luo Bi for an accurate answer.

Luo Bi: "······"

Is she so unreliable? He was actually worried that she would lose her temper.

Luo Jie burst into laughter, Tang Shao is a great guy, he can be said to have expressed everyone's feelings.

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