Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2262 Pretending

When Zhi Huangxing led the team to attack Cuizhuxing, other legion forces were also fighting on their respective mission planets. Some had already conquered a small territory, while others were forced to retreat by the alien beasts and were on the verge of evacuating the planet.

The battle on Cuizhuxing went well. It took less than ten days to conquer a small territory. This was achieved by everyone in one go, and then it became impossible to conquer.

Luo Bi followed Lieutenant General Mi Yue to catch river fish in the tributaries of the Xun River every day. There were cages of various kinds of river fish, and when they were poured into the river fish basket, they were all delicious river fish with extremely high nutritional value.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue looked happy in his heart, but then he became worried when he thought about the situation on the battlefield.

Long-term combat consumes too much, and once a beast wave occurs, the territory will be occupied in vain.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue was worried about consumption no matter how he calculated. Luo Bi and a few children moved a small bench to pick and classify the river fresh food. They also thought about the speed of attacking the planet. The territory was too slow. Once the victory was over, autumn might come. .

What is suitable to plant in autumn?

Chinese cabbage can only be used as a vegetable, not as a staple food.

The same goes for green radishes, they are vegetables and no one can tolerate eating them every day.

Late rice and winter wheat are suitable for autumn planting, but isn’t that still early? Maybe the planet won't be able to be conquered even in winter. It would be strange for Lieutenant General Mi not to worry if it is consumed for such a long time.

After summer, it gets hot in the morning. Several children dragged their coats and put them on the rocks on the side. Zhu Xingrong finished picking one basket and dragged another basket over: "Luo Bi, aren't you hot? You can dry them over there. I’m coming this way.”

Luo Bi shook her head: "It's not hot. I'm cold and feel comfortable in the sun."

Lan Bao wiped her sweat and helped Zhu Xingbao drag a basket of river fresh food: "I'm too hot. I'll be fine if I have an ice drink."

Working under the sun, everyone's body is on fire and sweating every time they move. If you drink a can of ice drink at this time, it will feel good just thinking about it. It's a pity that I can only think about how there is no ice drink to drink when I am on a mission.

Several people were picking up fresh river food at a very fast pace. By the time the crab pots are picked up next time, the baskets of river fresh food here have already been picked.

After resting for a while, Luo Bi and the children continued to pick fresh river food. Today's harvest was very gratifying. The catches in cages were almost all red claw crabs and orange shrimps. They were big and meaty, which made people happy to see them.

Luo Bi picked out the fresh ones, and when it was past ten o'clock, she brought them to the kitchen area: "Aunt Zhu, the ones you made are more delicious. The work is too tiring. Put more chili peppers, otherwise you will lose your appetite and cannot eat the hot ones. Let’s eat.”

Mrs. Zhu took it in her hand and said, "Hey, these fresh river fish are really big."

"We changed the place. The location of the crab pot today is better than yesterday. All we caught were red claw crabs and orange shrimps." Luo Bi's face was filled with joy. She opened the fruit box and saw that as expected, all the good ones were eaten by others. After picking them away, he sneered: "You're still talking about me, I'm so sorry. We picked out all the good ones before the fruits were delivered to us."

Madam Zhu took it for granted and carried the river food towards the spring: "Isn't the gifted disciple a high status? Anyone with some ability thinks they are great. In the past two days, they have been carrying them to the kitchen area to show off. "

Luo Bi followed up and smiled when she heard the pretense: "I think it's just a pretense. It's not just that I can extract and refine it. Who cares?"

"The military department is rare." Mrs. Zhu replied to her.

Luo Bi laughed: "They are really trying their best! They came up with a powerful piece of equipment."

"You think they don't want to?" Mrs. Zhu shook her head: "Just wait!"

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