Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2270 Tang Shao alone is enough

Bai Yan and Lan Rui came over to assist in the battle.

Qin Yilang, Luo Jie, Guan Wei, Hua Chen, Xue Yue, Feng Zixun, Yang Yu, Leng Lie and other combat team captains intercepted the small alien beasts, and Tang Shao was enough to deal with the large alien beasts.

The sugar cane array was knocked down one by one, it was so awesome.

No matter how strong or sweet the large alien beast is, there is nothing you can do to deal with it.

Those little hoes and small-head arrays that have been busy for a long time are not as lethal as a mouthful of sugar cane. Therefore, those who follow the rules are not as good as the weird ones, and the weird arrays are unique.

Luo Bi finally figured it out. It was fine before she intervened, and the attack on the planet was progressing steadily. Since she intervened, the original battle situation has been disrupted. Medium-sized alien beasts have risen and dominated the battlefield.

He Yun also asked Fengling to send her back. It would be nice if he didn't blame her for causing trouble.

Lan Rui jumped up, glanced at Luo Bi in Fengling's arms, and said "Huh": "Luo Bi? Why are you here? You are a woman with no fighting ability, why are you causing trouble by following me?"

Talented consorts are arrogant and life-saving, and usually never go to the front of the battlefield. When he first saw Luo Bi, Lan Rui blurted it out without thinking.

These words touched the heart, just like Roger. Luo Bi choked and asked Fengling to let her go. Fengling did not let go: "Don't listen to Lan Rui's nonsense. Once you repel these medium-sized strange beasts in front of you, I will give them to you." go back."

The mountains and forests here are undulating, and the mountains on both sides are relatively high. Thunder Flame warriors and alien beasts are fighting together. The children of the Zhu family and the children of the Lan family are very clever. At this time, they have climbed on the back of the alien beast where Tian is lying down and knocking on it. , chop the meat to chop the meat, pry the scales off.

Several of the alien beasts mentioned by Fei Ling rushed to the front. They were quite large in size, slightly smaller than the large alien beasts. They had rough skin and thick flesh, and some had scales. The supernatural attacks were not very lethal to them. .

After a rough count, there were five in total, and they were stopped by a team led by Fengling, Wei Wei, He Yun, Lan Rui, and Bai Yan.

Jiang Yixin, Wei Yang, and Wei Yuan led the team to the front and cut the alien beast team in the middle so that the head and tail could not see each other.

However, the effect of this strategy was not very good. Jiang Yixin, Wei Yang, and Wei Yuan could not stop a large number of strange beasts, and the five they intercepted could not fight for a long time, so the battle situation became somewhat stalemate.

"Let me go down first." Luo Bi looked anxiously and hurriedly kept mumbling: "We've been fighting for more than an hour, and we haven't killed a single medium-sized alien beast, so what's the point of fighting like this? .”

As soon as she finished talking, Fengling, Wei Yu, and Bai Yan joined forces to kill one of the medium-sized alien beasts that had been fighting for a long time.

One of the five was gone, and there were four more. In a blink of an eye, Jiang Yixin, Wei Yang and Wei Yuan did not stop them. Two medium-sized alien beasts broke through the first defense and ran over. In this way, the four alien beasts turned into six alien beasts.

"Fuck..." Lan Rui cursed.

Fengling, Wei Yu, Bai Yan and others couldn't help but curse secretly. These medium-sized alien beasts were very powerful. They couldn't cope with them in the first place. It was so easy to kill one and then two more. It was really special. What a heartache.

Fengling couldn't hold Luo Bi down, so she let her down and protected her behind her. Luo Bi quickly took out the cauldron and dug out a piece of mud to find a stone. Fei Ling pulled her away and said, "Don't run around, be careful of being hurt by strange animals."

Luo Bi took the mud and showed it to Fengling: "I'll find a stone and throw the mud at it. This can attack strange animals."

Lan Rui couldn't bear it and got annoyed: "Can you not cause trouble? Master Feng, hurry up and help."

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