Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2272 A life full of doubts

The medium-sized wild boar-like beast hit the ground, but it didn't die. It lay on the ground and roared angrily.

No matter how powerful it is, its huge body is unable to move.

Lan Rui opened her mouth wide and was stunned: "????"

Wei Yu was stunned even as he raised his sword. His eyes searched and fell on the mud on the alien beast. Just such a piece of mud actually knocked down a medium-sized alien beast that they had been fighting for a long time? ? ?

Wei Yu couldn't believe it: "???!!"

Fengling looked stunned for a moment: "??!!!"

This mud is beyond imagination, more powerful than before.

Wei Yu and Fei Ling were stunned for only a second. They stepped forward and struck the sword together to kill the strange beast lying on the ground unable to get up.

Regardless of why they couldn't get up, they had to kill them first. Fengling and Wei Wei would not give the alien beasts a chance to fight back.

Bai Yan and others heard the noise and looked over, "Nima, what, what's going on?" Just now, there was a fierce battle nearby, but in the blink of an eye, the strange beast that Fengling, Wei Yu, and Lan Rui were dealing with actually fell down like this? ? ? ? ?

Don't talk about them at this time, Roger and Wen Xiao were both stunned at this moment, and their expressions were exactly the same as that of surprise.

The two of them really couldn't understand why the battle ended so quickly.

Roger and Wen Xiao were like this, let alone the sergeants who transported equipment.

All the sergeants were dumbfounded, standing motionless with eyes full of doubts about life.

Damn, what's going on?

Such a big medium-sized alien beast, even the S-level thunder flame warrior with strong genes couldn't fight for a long time. Luo Bi threw a piece of mud and was knocked down? ? ? ? ?

Luo Bi is a woman with no fighting ability. How can she be solved with just one throw? ? ? ! !

The problem is that the mud is not big! It was a piece as big as half a palm. It was pinched into the shape of a small bowl. Holding it in the palm of the hand, it blew a small hole and crushed a one-ton beast to its knees.

The time of distraction depends on the moment. They are still fighting at the moment. Bai Yan, He Yun, Wei Yuan and others looked away suspiciously and continued to fight with their swords. If you don't pay attention to this, you may be injured. Who can Don't dare to be careless.

With the sound of fighting, the sergeants' expressions suddenly changed. You look at me, I look at you. It seems like you have forgotten something important? Thinking about it carefully, my dear, the sergeants immediately came to their senses.

"Damn it, why did you forget such an important thing..."

A group of rough-looking sergeants were so panicked that they no longer cared about the equipment in their hands. They dispersed with a crash, pulling at grass leaves, picking at tree bark, and scraping at stones.

Luo Jie and Wen Xiao were startled. Luo Bi, who was happy in her heart, was also stunned when she saw this.

What do you do as a sergeant?

Looking for mud, a hole was blown in the tile house, and the mud flew away.

Is this a big deal?

If it was before Luo Bi took action, maybe no one would care whether a piece of mud was missing or not. Now that he has seen the power of mud, who would dare to despise it? No matter how much you fly out, you have to get it back.

Where did it fly to?

I don’t know, but the sergeants kept staring with their eyes wide open. They knew roughly where it was flying, so they went to their destinations, pulling grass leaves, buckling tree bark, and scraping stones. The sergeants were looking carefully.

"Keep your eyes open and look carefully." Roger came to his senses and then ordered.

The sergeants rolled their eyes, waiting for your order? The cucumber vegetables are cold.

The rough guys said to themselves, luckily they responded quickly!

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