Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2274 Even my brothers can’t do it

This buffalo beast was so meaty. Luo Bi took a liking to it right away. She was very interested in meaty and delicious beasts.

Fengling, Wei Yu, Wei Yuan, and He Yun tilted their heads. Seeing that they were ready, Luo Bi suddenly threw the tile house in his hand. The morale was high, but it was a pity that my hand was off-center, and by chance, I accidentally threw the buffalo and hit the ear of the exotic beast.

Everyone's body tensed up, thinking that there was no chance now.

Unexpectedly, with a "bang", the tile house exploded, and the buffalo beast fell down in response.

The ears are also grown on cows. As long as the tile roof is buckled, the strange beasts will not escape.

Feng Ling raised his eyebrows, very surprised. Wei Yuan reacted quickly and quickly struck out with a sword to kill the buffalo beast that was lying on the ground and couldn't get up. He Yun took a step slower and retracted the thrust sword.

Add a sword?

No need.

"Oh, I'll go, it's so cool." Wei Yun's eyes were hot, and he ignored Luo Bi, who was coming to collect the tile house from the others, and discussed: "Give me a piece of mud, I have strong hands, and I will definitely throw it better than you. far away."

Luo Bi hesitated, either it was impossible to give Wei Yu a piece of mud, or the mud to be refined was too little, so he had to use it sparingly. It didn't matter whether he just threw it away casually, because it wouldn't be worth it if he couldn't blow up the strange beasts.

Without waiting for Luo Bi to respond, Roger rushed over and handed the cauldron to Wei Yu: "Here, the cauldron is full of refined mud. If you are so jealous, let Luo Bi see it! I Go and command the sergeants to remove the strange beasts."

It can be regarded as throwing the furnace cauldron out.

Caught off guard by the task of holding a furnace cauldron, Wei Yu said: "..."

How could he have fun blasting strange beasts with a furnace? Turning around to look for him, Wei Yang, who had just ran over, stepped away from him, his eyes were very guarded, and he looked at Wei Yun like a bastard teasing a good girl.

Want to give it to him?

No way, not even his own brothers. Wei Yang is perfectly capable of keeping Wei Yu away from him.

Wei Yu felt sad: "...This brother has nothing to do."

Wei Yang pretended not to hear. This was the best trick to use. It was the first time he used it, and Wei Yang used it very easily.

Wei Yu was at his wits end and flew towards Roger with a flash of eyes. Roger didn't care that Wei Yu was glaring at him. After taking a few steps, he felt something was wrong. He raised his arm and calmly pinched a small piece of mud from his sleeve.

"I'm just telling you!" Roger quickly searched again.

This thing is very rare now. You can't throw it away at all. If you can find it, you will never let it go. Roger now knows very well how rare the refining mud is. The more you use it, the less it will be. He also pointed out that it can be put to great use. .

It's such a small half-stove, and it won't last at all.

Not to mention, he asked Roger to find a small bit, pinch it off and hand it to Luo Bi.

Luo Bi was busy picking out the mud from the buffalo beast, taking it and pressing it aside. This time the hole was smaller than the last time, but two holes were blown, and not a lot of mud was actually blown away.

Luo Bi squeezed a piece of the mud she found to plug the hole. Roger took a look and said, "Why is there still so much difference?"

Even if you squeeze the mud flat, you still can't patch the hole. What you get back is not as much as what was blown up.

Luo Bi sighed, raised her eyes and looked around, placing her hope in the sergeants.

The second group of sergeants who spread out to look for mud had already scraped off the bark of the tree and picked out a few small pieces of mud from the rocks. They gathered together and ran over happily: "Luo Bi, have you seen enough? We That’s all I’ve found so far, others are still looking.”

Luo Bi pressed a piece of the mud she found and flattened it to block the hole. Damn it, she almost blocked the hole.

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