Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2282 What presence are you looking for?

Luo Bi didn't want anyone else to get involved, so she stopped Xue Ya: "Xue Ya, it's none of your business. Whoever eats mine gets to choose. Also, Major Tang, I don't have any objection to whoever chooses to bake, but I want to Exactly the same.”

She didn't let others pick her, nor did she let Li Feng take action. She only looked for the rightful owner.

She looked for whoever ate her, and everyone stood aside.

Tang Shao understood, but before he spoke, Zhang Wuer muttered again: "There are so many things."

Zhang Wuer lowered her voice, but she was close enough to hear it. She did it on purpose. Because Tang Shao looked at him wrong just now, Zhang Wuer was a little worried, so she lowered her voice.

But Luo Bi heard it, Tang Shao also heard it, and several people nearby took it in.

Jiang Xi'er covered her mouth and coughed slightly. Zhang Wu'er rushed forward. She was happy to see the result.

Xue Ya and He Xiang looked at each other and sighed, why are they so expressionless? They are so quick to talk at this time. Zhang Wuer usually seems to be quite good at things, but he didn't expect to be so unclear.

A flash of fierceness flashed in Tang Shao's eyes, and he snorted. He suddenly felt that it would be good for Luo Bi to give Zhang Wuer a long memory, so that some people would not be able to recognize the form and not know his identity.

Didn’t you see that Zhou Ya didn’t say anything? Zhang Wuer is a little lover, what kind of presence is he looking for.

Does Tang Shao look down on his little lover?

Not really. In the interstellar age, it was very common for powerful men to keep little things outside. Some lovers even had a higher status than their wives because they were favored. Tang Shao took the situation very lightly.

Zhang Wu'er was very popular with Leng Lie. If Bai Xian hadn't been able to give birth to children, he would have been replaced by Zhang Wu'er.

Tang Shao managed these connections very clearly and gave Leng Lie face, but Zhang Wuer shouldn't be looking for presence at this time. Tang Shao felt a little bored. If Leng Lie wasn't there to protect him, he wouldn't let Zhang Wuer continue to jump around.

With Tang Shao's methods, it would be easy for him to control Zhang Wuer.

"Auntie, please stop saying a few words!" Jiang Yixin had a good relationship with Leng Lie, so she persuaded Zhang Wu'er and warned her: "Luo Bi was already angry when I didn't see her, but you still said that, deliberately causing trouble."

"Can you blame me? It's because she cares about everything." Zhang Wuer was not afraid of Jiang Yixin.

Since she followed Leng Lie, she often went out to socialize with Leng Lie. Everyone became familiar with each other and all accepted Zhang Wuer's identity. Luo Jie and Lan Rui were very accommodating to her.

As a result, Zhang Wuer got used to his temper, and he responded quickly.

Jiang Yixin had nothing to say, and she was angry that she didn't listen to her advice, so she simply shut up and stopped talking. Wei Yu saw all this and walked away. He was too busy to get involved in these intrigues.

"Look, people think I'm fussy." Luo Bi just stared at Tang Shao. She didn't even look at Zhang Wu'er.

There is no other reason, I look down on it, it’s that simple.

Tang Shao had a problem in his heart and stopped giving face to Zhang Wuer. He raised his hand and called Zhang Wuer and Zhou Ya over: "Since you are not convinced, just follow what I said. You should know what kind of river food you eat. Go by yourself." Pick it out, pick it out and roast it as it is.”

Zhang Wuer raised her head in disbelief. Tang Shao looked at her with a look of indifference in his eyes, which inexplicably made Zhang Wuer uneasy. She didn't interact with Tang Shao many times, and she wasn't as familiar with Luo Jie and Jiang Yixin.

Tang Shao's lips curled up with a hint of ridicule, and he reminded, "Don't be too careful. I don't like people playing tricks in front of me."

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