Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2284 No more drinks

Luo Bi saw that Interstellar Moo Beast brand's high-end pure milk is the leading high-end brand in Interstellar. It is high-priced and nutritious. It is a hot commodity in high-end supermarkets.

Fengling also bought her two boxes when she went on a mission, but she didn't touch any of them.

Luo Bi liked to look at the good things and felt happy in her heart.

Its value is slightly higher than that of two orange shrimps, so Zhou Ya is very sincere.

With sincerity, Luo Bi's arrogance is not so strong, and she is considering whether to let it go. Sometimes she doesn't like to argue with others. Zhou Ya is willing to take a step back, and Luo Bi is not too worried about finding trouble with her. No. If so, forget it.

"I don't want your nutritional milk." Luo Bi said.

Zhou Ya was stunned for a moment, Xue Ya pushed Zhou Ya, you still take your polite words seriously! If you want to ease the relationship, give out nutritional milk.

After being reminded by Xue Ya, Zhou Ya suddenly realized that Luo Bi's words might be just polite words. Once the box of milk was taken out, she couldn't take it back. So she felt distressed and pushed the milk box to Luo Bi and said: "Take it, it's delicious."

She bought it because it tasted good and gave away a whole box. Zhou Ya felt like crying without tears.

Well, Luo Bi took the opportunity to accept it. Zhou Ya ate her food, and she didn't want it in vain.

Luo Bi couldn't save food, so she subconsciously found an owner for this box of milk. She wanted to give it to Fengling. After all, she got it in a quarrel without spending interstellar coins.

If you don’t spend interstellar coins, it’s just right for Fengling.

However, the idea of ​​giving Fengling a drink was quickly suppressed by the outburst of temper. Fengling and Leng Lie were young, and they, the aristocratic children, all agreed that Leng Lie was raising his little lover, so they stopped giving him a drink.

To be honest, Luo Bi felt unhappy. The future interstellar era would place her little lover on a higher level. This alone annoyed her.

Bai Zhen is facing these today, but what about tomorrow? Who knows whose turn it will be.

And that Yang Yu, didn't he also raise people outside, a bunch of scum, so he shouldn't be nice to him.

Thinking of Feng Zihui kicking Yang Yu from behind, Luo Bixin said, "You deserve it."

Because of this potential factor of raising a little lover, Luo Bi was on guard. Seeing the cold family, Luo Bi inexplicably thought of herself.

She and Fengling had been married for just over two years, which was too short in an interstellar world where the average age of humans was several hundred years old.

Who knows if Fengling will change in the future. Luo Bi is prepared. If she doesn't, she will kick her and never see her again for the rest of her life.

Luo Bi became angry just thinking about it, and Xue Ya was still puzzled. Luo Bi felt that she couldn't be angry alone. When she went back, she pointed out something to Xue Ya: "It's different being raised by a man. Look at Zhang Wu'er, how comfortable she is. She is not any worse than Bai Xian as a wife. The food, clothing and supplies are all the best nowadays. If Bai Xian cannot give birth, I guess nothing will happen to her without Bai Xian."

They are all wives. These words really touched Xue Ya's mind. She called Zhou Ya and followed Luo Bi: "Oh, what I'm saying is that Leng Lie is really sorry for Bai Xian by doing this. , I won’t give him a child even if I can get pregnant.”

Luo Bi thought the same way. It would be better to be unable to have children for the rest of her life than to give birth to a child for Leng Lie. She walked slower and waited for Xue Ya. She didn't wait for Zhou Ya. She had just had a bad time with someone and was waiting for him to show his lack of stance.

"Do you think Bai Xian knew that Leng Lie had adopted someone?" Luo Bike wanted to know, otherwise she wouldn't have asked at this time. She just wanted to gossip about what Bai Xian was thinking.

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