Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2289 Likes gossip

After sitting in the position of major general for a long time, he had already tempered his cold temperament. He looked at Luo Bi for a moment, and then turned away to pick out the orange shrimp. He wanted to see how this woman would find trouble.

"Wu'er, go and clean up." Leng Lie pushed Zhang Wu'er away.

Zhang Wuer also felt that he smelled of oil smoke, so he stepped on his feet and kissed her coldly, gave Luo Bi a proud look and left.

Luo Bi was speechless. What was there to be proud of? She didn't ask Fengling to support her. Zhang Wuer didn't have enough confidence to call the man here. If she had the ability, there would be no need for the man to come forward.

Before Luo Bi could find trouble, Xun Spoon, He Spoon, Yan Spoon, and Soup Spoon came rushing to the kitchen area. The four ladles that followed Lingzhi had just arrived from Zhihuang Star, so be careful. Plop plop, looking around for his master.

Seeing that their adults were doing well, the spoons calmed down.

Xun Shao and the others were so obsessed with farming that they didn't even know that their elders were on a mission to attack the planet. When they heard about it, they started clamoring to go to Cuizhu Planet. The adults of Zhan Shao's family were injured during the mission, and Zhan Shao was very sad.

Xun Shao Shao and others were worried about their adults, so they discussed it together, and Tang Shao Shao took the other three spoons directly to General Qi Lan.

General Qi Lan couldn't understand what Soup Spoon and the others were thinking, and after trying to persuade them for a long time to no avail, he simply asked the sergeant to send the Spoons to Cuizhuxing to find Tang Shao, He Yun, Bai Yan, and Lan Xun.

Admiral Qi Lan had some hopes. Later, the four spoons, who were wise, did not like to fight, but they were not without fighting ability. Maybe if the spoons were happy, they could contribute to the attack on the planet.

"Soup spoon? Why are you here?" Tang Shao was a little startled when he saw the soup spoon.

The late-minded Spoon likes planting but not fighting, so he didn't take them with him on this mission. When Spoon and the others arrived at the Green Bamboo Star, not only Tang Shao was surprised, but Roger and others were also surprised.

"You guys are really good at coming. You came after winning the battle today." Roger teased Spoon.

The soup ladle waved his little hands and had no time to pay attention to these adults. Leng Lie took the bamboo basket and raised his feet to pick out the orange shrimps. The Wen family's little fire ball waved his little hand and said hello. The group of ladles understood and followed suit.

The spoons followed Wen's Little Fireball, who was the most arrogant.

Luo Bi: "······"

Will she go yet? The little fireball and the spoons were all gone.

Roger was puzzled and asked Wen Xiao who was standing beside him: "What does your little fireball want to do? It joins in wherever the excitement comes. Who does it follow? I've never seen anyone in the Wen family like to gossip so much?!"

Roger searched through his mind and found that there was no such person in the entire Wen family.

Wen Xiao suspected that his little fire ball was following Luo Bi. Everyone knew how much Luo Bi liked to watch the fun. From the style of Wen's little fire ball, we could find some similarities with Luo Bi.

However, Wen Xiao didn't intend to say this. He also wondered what the little fireball and the spoons were doing following Leng Lie. Roger asked, Wen Xiao thought for a moment, then raised his foot and walked over: "I'll go take a look."

Luo Bi grabbed a handful of river melon seeds, then followed, and she also went to have a look.

She was determined to find trouble, so how could she find trouble if she didn't stare at Leng Lie?

There was no need for Luo Bi to find trouble at the moment. The Wen family's little fireball and the spoons took over the job. Leng Lie picked orange shrimps from the river fresh basket. Suddenly his hands sank. He lowered his eyes and saw that the small bamboo basket was thrown by the spoons. Full of fresh river food.

Leng Lie: "······"

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