Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2294 Soup Spoon

Let me ask, what woman doesn’t love beauty?

What woman doesn't like wearing new clothes?

But Luo Bi is not like that, she is really unpredictable.

Mrs. Huang looked at her carefully. Luo Bi's appearance was indescribably good-looking, but with just one glance, she could tell that Luo Bi was better looking than others. She was neither bright and charming nor elegant.

how to say?

When Luo Bi goes to the battlefield, you will know where she is good-looking. Once Luo Bi stands on the battlefield, her beauty cannot be concealed. Alien beasts and monsters are vulnerable. She is so good-looking that people can't take their eyes away. It can boost the morale of the army.

Not to mention the Thunder Flame Warrior, even Madam Huang, looking back on it, is filled with excitement, thumping, and excitement.

"Leng Lie and I don't want to deal with each other. Anyone with eyes can see how blind Zhang Wu'er is, and he is still on guard against me." Luo Bi was so praised by Mrs. Huang that she changed the topic and arranged for Zhang Wu'er. This is the key point: " Besides, is Leng Lie her man? My little lover is nothing."

"That's not what you said!" Mrs. Huang was a little confused when she heard this: "Why do you think so? As long as a man is willing, there is no difference between a wife raised outside and a wife raised outside. You don't know about some things that a man takes out to socialize, no? It must be the wife.”

Maybe it's my little lover.

There is a lot of fame and status that can be maintained outside, and it is not nothing.

It depends on the man's mind. What the man thinks directly determines the status of his little lover.

Luo Bi: "······"

Luo Bi breathed out, it was indeed the case eighteen thousand years in the future, she was confused. Luo Bi couldn't listen anymore and was thinking about how to pave the way for her future. Mrs. Zhu and Mrs. Huang continued to talk about this topic, but Luo Bi didn't answer any more.

On the other side, there were a lot of cold-roasted river seafood, and the entire grill was filled with delicious ingredients. The ladles brought back a box of spiritual plants with a roar, and pulled some river fresh food aside to make room for the spiritual plants.

It's easy to find something that can be used. The spoons and small fireballs are tossing vigorously, and the spiritual plants have to be roasted and eaten.

"Why are there so many river delicacies grilled?" Zhang Wu'er was surprised, pouted, and looked at the grill with his eyes, planning to reach out and grab a bunch of cooked grilled river clams to taste.

The others are cooked slowly and require more heat, so even Zhang Wuer's greedy mouth can't eat them uncooked.

What to do? The soup spoon opened Zhang Wu'er's hand to prevent Zhang Wu'er from eating.

"Why are you beating someone?" Zhang Wuer obviously didn't expect to be beaten. He covered his sore hand and glared at the spoon: "Whose array weapon are you? Why are you beating me? Leng Lie, you can't even see a spoon. bully me."

Leng Lie was still too busy grilling river clams. He hurried over when he heard the noise. His little lover was trying to coax him. Leng Lie comforted Zhang Wu'er with a few words and picked a bunch of roasted river clams to give to Zhang Wu'er.


Leng Lie just spit out the word soup, but the soup spoon didn't give him a chance to coax his little lover. He snatched the roasted clam away with his hands. The soup spoon clicked. How could such a big man still grab the spoon? Why is his mouth so greedy?

"Whose array device is this?" Zhang Wu'er was completely angry. With Leng Lie backing her up, Zhang Wu'er shouted very loudly: "You also grab the river food that Leng Lie gave me, and return it quickly."

Zhang Wuer shouted, reaching out to take the skewers from the grill. It was grilled in the cold, why couldn't she eat it.

The soup ladle stopped drying up, and he picked up a large piece of grass and threw it on Zhang Wuer, the bad guy.

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