Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2316 Under their wings

Here Luo Bi was strolling on the large balcony, wondering what to do next, when Tang Shao, the admiral's adjutant, arrived on the other side.

Luo Bi opened the door and was stunned for a moment. Tang Shao motioned her to look at Li Feng and the sergeant who were carrying cartons behind her. Luo Bi tilted her body and gave an unclear look, as if he was giving her something, but he didn't know what it was.

"The spiritual plants, jade stones and jade stones for you were given by the military department and the first combat team." Tang Shao turned sideways to let Luo Bi see clearly. Li Feng moved one box and the sergeant moved three boxes. , each his own.

Needless to say, Li Feng must be holding the resources of the first combat team.

"This is from our first combat team." Li Feng regarded Luo Bi as a member of the first combat team and did not treat himself as an outsider. He said with a smile: "I just picked these recently. The captain asked me to share some of my wisdom with you." Plants are all rare spiritual plants."

It's not good to differentiate between people. No matter what field you are in, there is always favoritism for one and preference for others.

The Zhihuang Star Military Headquarters has ten major combat teams, and the talented allies also belong to different teams. All those who have not joined the combat teams are used by the military headquarters. The combat teams have different factions, and the talents they support are also distributed far and near. Those who allocate spiritual plants and other things are naturally close to the talents of their own team.

It's not that if talented people join a team, they can't provide elixirs and energy fluids to others.

Under normal circumstances, as long as it belongs to a legion, or there are other legion forces involved, and the gifted master accepts the refining materials and jade stones, he should provide elixirs, energy stones, and energy liquids.

The first combat team was thinking about Luo Bi, and the general was also thinking about giving Luo Bi spiritual plants and jade stones. This was to bring Luo Bi under their wings.

He didn't say it clearly, but that's what he meant. Luo Bi understood it and didn't refuse.

"Come in." Luo Bi led the people to the large balcony, and then prepared to boil water and make tea. This time she was not pretending. Tang Shao and Li Feng had a close relationship with her family, and she would not show up to others.

If it was cold, she wouldn't even be polite.

"No, we'll leave in a moment." Tang Shao stopped him. He had to go to Cuizhu Planet and couldn't stay long: "You can refine it when you have time. All the talented disciples of Zhihuang Star have a share. If you don't have enough, you can tell me. I will send someone to bring you the refining materials and jadeite."

"You don't have a headache, do you?" Tang Shao asked worriedly.

Luo Bi felt it: "Headache."

Tang Shao didn't know how true or false this was, so he took it as the truth: "You need to rest after your mental and soul power are exhausted. Eat good food and take supplements. I'll have someone bring you fresh food from the river later." I remember you loved orange shrimp."

"Luo Bi likes steamed wild vegetables the most. She eats them with minced garlic and dips them. Luo Bi likes this." Li Feng put down the carton and continued, then added: "Unfortunately, wild vegetables have less nutritional energy and cannot be compared with river fresh vegetables. "

Luo Bi: "······"

Luo Bi became anxious when the treatment was too high: "No, I will refine and extract it when I have time. Don't point your fingers at me. I have a headache when using my natural abilities and I don't have time. Why don't you give these materials to others!" "

When she is happy, she refines and extracts it. When she is unhappy, she stops working. No one can point fingers at her.

Luo Bi is the best at giving up her job.

Tang Shao's mouth twitched and he grinned: "Can't you get some snacks? Other talented people are working hard day and night to improve, and even take risks to go on missions to gain experience. Why aren't you anxious?!"

That means others care about power and status, but Luo Bi doesn't care. How can it be the same?

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