Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2318 He is good at blowing up furnaces

Tang Shaozhen didn't know what the use of the medicine dregs and ash exploded by the Thunder Flame Warriors was.

What about planting?

Tang Shao tried it, but it had no effect, otherwise he wouldn't have left any of it.

Luo Bi was impatient and couldn't wait any longer. She wouldn't let Tang Shao go without saying anything: "How long will it take until then? Why don't you just blow up a few furnaces of slag and ash for me now? I'll wait for it to be used for planting."

Tang Shao: "·······"

With this temper, the wind is like the rain, how can he have so much time?

"I don't have time now." Tang Shao paused and stopped talking. After a moment of silence, he said, "It's better to use yours than to use my explosive ash. I tried it, but the ash I exploded has no effect. The medicine dregs and ash refined by the gifted bonder can still nourish the soil."

no effect? Luo Bi's heart skipped a beat: "How did you try?"

She had just started thinking that this would not work anymore?

"The planting pot I used, the soil was mixed with one or two pieces of medicinal residue ash, five seeds were planted, and one sprouted." After just one glance, Tang Shao stopped thinking. This kind of germination rate is simply not good enough, so he might as well not use it. Medicine residue ash.

Tang Shao had already said this, and Li Feng interjected: "I tried it too, but it really doesn't work. Planting after the Galaxy War season is just like that. You can't expect a bumper harvest like when the Galaxy was in its prime. Only large-scale planting can It’s a good policy.”

It's not difficult to understand what Li Feng means. Just don't think about what you have and what you don't have. It's useless.

Luo Bi was unwilling to give in. Others tried using medicine dregs and ash, but she didn't try it. She didn't believe anyone she had never seen before: "What's wrong with trying it? You can fry a few furnaces of medicine dregs and ash for me, and try to grow vegetables to see if it works." .”

This was enough to make him stubborn. Li Feng sighed: "Major Tang and I don't have time! We'll get the mission right away when we get back."

Going on a mission right away? Luo Bi hummed, she wanted to see if Tang Shao and Li Feng were free. She was confident and opened her mouth to throw out the bait: "Major Tang, I will extract the small piece of jade you brought and destroy it, and go to the Cuizhu Star." You just happened to bring it with you at that time, what do you think? You blow up the furnace for me, and I will extract jade stones and jade stones for you."

Extracting the broken jadeite was suitable for the Thunder Flame warriors to extract. If Tang Shao agreed to refine the furnace, she would play with all the jadeite and jadeite he sent. It was just a job for her.

Tang Shao's eyes lit up and he wished he could exchange jobs right away. For him, this job was very cost-effective. He was good at blowing up furnaces. He was no worse than Luo Bi. He couldn't refine elixirs, so who didn't know how to blow up furnaces? furnace.

"Right now?" Tang Shaowu nodded to himself: "I'm going to get the small medicine refining cauldron."

"I'll also go home and get the small alchemy cauldron." When Li Feng heard this, he was more positive than Tang Shao. He took two steps and then turned back to discuss with Luo Bi: "Luo Bi, do you think this will work? I’ll go to the combat team to move a box of jadeite, how about you extract it together? We have the military department, so we can’t live without our first team, don’t you think so?!”

After finally getting Tang Shao and Li Feng to agree to refine it, Luo Bi was now able to speak: "Okay, go get it!"

Li Feng was overjoyed, and Luo Bi turned to Tang Shao and said, "Major Tang can also bring two more boxes of jade stones, or jade stones, but more will not work. I will extract too many at once and I will be too busy."

Tang Shao was overjoyed and nodded to show that he knew. Luo Bi sent the two of them out, feeling upset: "Don't you take the small alchemy cauldron with you? What should you do when refining? Go home and get it?"

But no, Tang Shao said: "Small alchemy cauldrons are precious and rare, and everyone is worried that it is inappropriate to put a storage ring."

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