Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2320 You haven’t exploded a furnace yet

Tang Shao was confused and glanced at the unfinished medicinal plants and spiritual plants: "Why don't you let them finish processing them? What should I do with these?"

"Don't mention it." Luo Bi was also depressed.

Is there any back story? Tang Shao waited for her to answer, but Luo Bi ran away.

Tang Shao: "·······"

After pouring the jade stones in the small basket into the carton, Luo Bi hurriedly lifted the carton on the ground, poured some more, threw the carton on the ground, picked up the small basket and ran back to continue the topic.

"It's not like you don't know that my neighbor Lan Qiao is a big talker. The sergeants are all here. What should we do if we lure her here? Not only Lan Qiao, there are many family members of the garrison who like to gossip. I don't want to deal with them."

Is this the reason?

Tang Shao was noncommittal, but Zhu Xingshao was puzzled: "Huh? Don't tell me, why didn't your neighbor who likes to chatter come? She doesn't come here several times every day. She doesn't seem to be here this afternoon."

"Who knows?" Luo Bi was also puzzled, but she couldn't find the time to care about this.

The refining formula of the Thunder Flame Warrior was basically incomplete. Tang Shao, Li Feng and a group of children from the Zhu family studied it together for a while, each expressing their own opinions and discussing it. Luo Hang came back from the planting field and was surprised to find so many people at home.

Luo Bi could not bear to let him be idle: "Father, boil water for us to make tea, and they will refine the dregs and ash for me."

It was refined for her, so she should drink it as tea.

On the contrary, he also makes tea for others.

Luo Hang understood, washed the handle, opened the cupboard and found the ceramic pot. There was a small spring in the kitchen area with clear water and green vines climbing on the rocks. Luo Hang filled a ceramic pot of water.

Luo Bi was worried and ran over and kicked the energy wood: "Use the energy wood to boil the water, otherwise it won't taste good."

His character is not gentle at all.

Luo Bi couldn't stay any longer. Luo Hang nodded, and she ran back again. The refining formula was incomplete, and it was impossible to figure out the reason for a while. Luo Bi couldn't wait and interrupted Tang Shao and others' research.

"Okay, stop researching. How long will it take for you to come up with a complete formula? Roger and the others have been struggling for a month or two and still haven't come up with a serious formula." Luo Bi took the finished jade stone and said, Let Tang Shao see: "Look, I've extracted most of the boxes, but you haven't even exploded a single furnace."

Compare it yourself, is it true? Refining quickly.

Tang Shao: "·······"

Li Feng was surprised: "Have you extracted so much?"

Isn't this nonsense? After agreeing to extract it, of course she couldn't be idle. Luo Bi said in a dissatisfied tone: "Who is like you, delaying work while talking? Can't you study and work at the same time?"

"There is no formula." Tang Shao was scolded, but he was not annoyed: "Although it is made from medicinal residues and ashes, medicinal plants and spiritual plants are still used. It cannot be refined blindly. A rough formula must be discussed."

Imperial soldiers always adhere to the principle of formulating plans now and then implementing them, which is completely targeted.

"How can we refine it if we don't make it blindly in the furnace?" Luo Bi didn't care about this. She did whatever she wanted. She threw the jade stone into the small basket and Luo Bi randomly picked a handful from spiritual plants and medicinal plants. , handed it to Tang Shao: "These are the formulas for refining Zhigan Powder, you can use these materials to refine it."

In fact, there was not enough to refine Zhigan Powder, as there were a few spiritual plants missing and a few medicinal plants too many. But so what? She asked the Thunder Flame Warrior to refine it to explode the furnace, not for the elixir.

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