Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2330 The vegetable seedlings are growing loudly

"No." Luo Bi replied simply. She didn't really ask Tang Shao to refine it. How could it be done in two days?

Tang Shao pinched his eyebrows and had a splitting headache: "Okay, I'll call Li Feng over in a moment."

As for the children of the Zhu family, it was easy to talk about it. Luo Bi directly dialed the message to Zhu Xingshao, the most thoughtful person, and said in an excited tone: "Hey, hey, Zhu Xingshao, hurry up and call all your cousins ​​over to my house. If something good happens, if you don't come, you won't be here." What happened?"

Zhu Xingshao got up from putting on his clothes as soon as he heard this, and said unambiguously: "Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

"Hurry up. I dialed Tang Shao first. He got here faster than you." Luo Bi hung up the call and jumped on the small bluestone wall to read it again. She couldn't get enough, so she used her small phone at night. Eat vegetables and chicken stew.


Luo Bi remembered that her family had no chickens and no rabbits, they had all been eaten.

When she was free, she went on a mission to catch one. It seemed like there wasn't enough time today, so Luo Bi ran to the door, but Tang Shao hadn't come yet. When he called the children of the Zhu family, Zhu Xingshao said he was on the way and would be there soon.

Luo Bijing couldn't calm down, so she chatted with the children of the Zhu family on the communicator. While chatting, she got involved in the medicine dregs and ashes, and said half-consciously: "I didn't ask you to come here to refine the furnace. Guess what happened yesterday?" How are the vegetable seeds you planted?”

Zhu Xingshao was in high spirits. When he heard this, his mind became excited. He thought of a possibility and immediately stopped lazily. He sat up straight and asked, "Isn't it germination?!"

Luo Bi smiled and said, "I didn't expect that. Come and take a look. You guys are awesome."

Others don't know Luo Bi, but the Zhu family's children know Luo Bi's temper well. She said she was awesome, which is certainly not unfounded. I'm afraid vegetable seeds are not only as simple as germination, but may also have a high germination rate.

Zhu Xingshao's face became solemn, and the next moment he dialed the communication number for Zhu Xingjie, Zhu Xingzhi, and Zhu Xingsu in the other floating cars. When the cousins ​​heard this, they wondered why they were delaying and hurried to have a look.

Next, several hover vehicles from the Zhu family drove towards the garrison base as if they were flying.

On the other side, Tang Shao called Li Feng to go to Luo Bi's house. Li Feng hesitated: "Can you still hold on?"

"It's okay to refine one or two furnaces." No more will be enough. Tang Shao walked away: "We agreed yesterday, Luo Bi called, it's not good if we don't go. If we go to refine two furnaces, we can't break our promise." .”

Li Feng hesitated for a moment and then followed. He didn't know before that refining could consume such superpowers. His strong genes had been in a restless state and it took him a long time to rest before they calmed down.

It is foreseeable that if the refining continues, the strong gene that has just been calmed down will become restless again.

Luo Bi originally planned that Tang Shao would arrive first, but she didn't expect that the Zhu family's children arrived first and almost entered Luo Bi's house together with Tang Shao and Li Feng.

Tang Shao and Li Feng didn't know anything. The Zhu family's children followed Luo Bi and ran towards the planting fields as soon as they entered the door. They were eager to know how effective the medicine residue ash was.

The vegetable seeds planted last night sprouted the next day. You can imagine the effect of the medicine residue ash, but they couldn't believe it without seeing it with their own eyes. A group of children looked at Tang Shao and Li Feng eagerly. Confused.

Luo Bi stopped covering her hands now and called back to them: "What are you two doing in a daze? The vegetable seeds you planted yesterday sprouted. The ash you refined is so powerful that the vegetable seedlings are growing so fast."

Tang Shao's pupils shrank and he walked away: "Go and have a look."

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