Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2348 Chatting

After noon, the family became busy again. After Luo Bi worked for a while, he went to eat spiced pods or tender corn. In short, his mouth could not be idle.

There were not many cucumber seedlings and bean seedlings respectively. Luo Hang and Hua Ran quickly cooperated. One stabilized the wooden rattan and the other bound them, and the two small vegetable fields were quickly completed. Next, the father and son were not idle. They drank tea, ate a plate of boiled peanuts and beans, and got up to weed the vegetable field.

After the galaxy war season, other plants grow normally, but the grass in the farmland grows very fast. Weeding has to be done in three or two days, otherwise all the nutrients in the soil will be absorbed by the grass and the crops will not grow.

You see, it should grow as long as it should, and it should not grow blindly. ,

Isn't this adding trouble? Luo Bi stopped playing and took a small hoe to weed along with her. This was still a planting field at home. If it was a planting field in a planting area, the weeds would grow more vigorously.

It’s hot in summer and the sun is blazing, and the planting fields are even more scorched by the sun.

Luo Hang was reluctant to let Luo Bi work, so he asked Luo Bi to rest: "You are not needed, your brother and I will finish it soon."

Luo Bi shook her head when she heard this, and continued to weed with the small hoe. She was having fun, and she couldn't be lazy when it was time to work. It takes no effort to weed, and Luo Bi is not slow. If she doesn't work, her father and her brother will do the weeding.

This is not okay, Luo Bi also feels sorry for her family.

Hua Ran also said: "It's hot under the sun, so stop doing it."

Luo Bi said nothing, and Hua Ran stopped talking. After working for several hours, the grass in the vegetable field was clean. Luo Bi washed the handles and packed a dozen fresh flowers and bean pods. She didn't need to pack the young corn. Hua Ran only had to carry a basket.

"Brother, take these back." Before Hua Ran could refuse, Luo Bi said: "As you can see, I harvested a lot of tender corn. There's no reason why I can't eat it myself or give it to my family. Don't be reluctant to eat it. I'll go on a mission when I'm free. Gather ingredients.”

Hua Ran sighed softly and reached out to take it. Luo Hang couldn't stop him, so the father and son carried the ingredients and went home.

In the evening, Luo Bi still ate young corn, and snacked on pea pods after dinner. After having enough fun alone, she washed up and went back to the bedroom to sleep.

The next day, Luo Bi was surprised when she looked at the fruit trees. She excitedly wanted to visit again. Thinking of her parents' instructions, Luo Bi resisted going to Lan Qiao and turned on her communicator to chat with He Xiang, Qin Cui and Wei Zi.

She was on a mission again and had no time to chat with her, so she quickly hung up the communication.

Being really bored, Luo Bi was at home thinking about how to make delicious ingredients, and baked a plate of river delicacies by herself. Add red chilies, minced garlic, bean paste, sprinkle with cumin, roast until fragrant, and sprinkle with coriander.

This time it was a success, but unfortunately the portion was too much, so Luo Bi divided half of it and sent it to her parents' family.

Luo Bi still thought of a job to get mushrooms. She moved a step ladder at night and climbed up the tree to take a look, but she didn't see any ripe red fruits. She looked at it for a while, then picked a green and red fruit to eat. It was not sour, but not sweet either, because it was not ripe.

The black fruits are not ripe yet, but the purple fruits are hanging in bunches on the tree. The fruits are crystal clear and pleasing to look at.

Luo Bi looked at it happily and saw that it was getting late, so she went back to the bedroom to sleep.

In the morning, Luo Bi climbed up the tree again on the step ladder. Some of the red fruits on the tree were completely red, and there were quite a lot of them. About half of the red fruits were green with a blush. The same goes for black fruits. Most of the black fruits are purple.

Luo Bina was very happy. It was already ripe this morning. It is estimated that the red, black and purple fruits will be ready to eat in the evening.

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