Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2382 Young Bamboo

Fengling filled a bowl of rice and gave it to Luo Bi. She sat down across from him and put a few river shrimps into Luo Bi's bowl: "Eat."

Men are always willing to pay attention to Luo Bi's diet, but it is just to prolong life. Luo Bi doesn't know if it is useful, so she picks up a small spoon to scoop out rice and eats it. Take a spoonful of rice and add a shrimp.

Fengling had a smile in her eyes and quickly put away the dishes after the meal. Luo Bi was also busy sorting out the refining materials in her hands. Everyone has their own strengths. Luo Bi was not good at organizing things, so she mixed up spiritual plants and medicinal plants. together.

Fengling's eyes twitched when she saw it, and she wiped her hands with her coat: "The combat team has refining materials."

"I know." Luo Bi nodded, picked up the small cardboard box and left. After walking a few steps, she turned and trotted towards the clusters of bamboos in the courtyard: "I want to bring some of my own refining materials."

Fengling was waiting for her, and when she raised her eyes, she saw Luo Bi breaking off several pieces of bamboo and running back. Passing by the brightly blooming energy flowers and plants, Luo Bi paused and pulled out several that he thought could be used.

Fengling: "······"

Luo Bi shook the energy flowers and plants in her hand: "I'll use it for refining."

Okay, energy flowers and plants can be used as refining materials. Fengling had heard about it a little bit, so he didn't ask anything even though he was surprised. Just because he didn't ask didn't mean that Roger wouldn't ask. Roger was waiting for the two of them in the entrance garden. When he saw the bamboos and energy flowers and plants in Luo Bi's hands, he suddenly smiled.

"Don't tell me this is for refining." Roger thought about it and wanted to laugh.

It was for refining, so Luo Bi ignored him. If she could refine the equipment, she could definitely fight Roger. But now she was not sure at all. Roger laughed at her and she had nothing to say.

Suddenly remembering something, Luo Bi asked: "Fengling, do you have any refining materials that you put in the storage container?"

Fengling took the small cardboard box from her hand and said, "Yes, I will give it to you at the combat headquarters, but the quantity is not large."

"Just have it." Luo Bi thought and knew that the quantity was not much.

Roger also had it. When he arrived at the combat team headquarters, Roger left and sent his adjutant Qin Rong to give Luo Bi a box of miscellaneous refining materials. The refining materials Fengling gave Luo Bi were also of different types. Luo Bi opened the carton and had a panoramic view of the types of refining materials.

Fengling set up a small alchemy cauldron and prepared to refine it. Qin Yilang, Wen Xiao, Jiang Yixin, Yang Zaixiang, Li Feng, Shao Chen had arrived early, as well as the children of the Zhu family, and everyone had already started refining.

What equipment is best to refine?

Luo Bi put down the spiritual plant, picked up the jade stone, threw it aside and replaced it with a jade stone, looking at the pieces of tender bamboo she had broken. The quantity of bamboo is too small. If she and the Zhu family's children refine it together, there will definitely not be enough.

Turning her eyes, Luo Bi's eyes fell on a few clusters of green bamboo not far away. No, the bamboos raised at home were not as effective as the bamboos on undeveloped planets. The bamboos she raised at home were not included.

While thinking, Luo Bi probably had an idea. She stood up and asked Zhu Xingshao: "When will you finish refining this furnace?"

Zhu Xingsu roughly calculated: "About half an hour, are you okay?"

"Didn't we agree to refine it together? I'm going home. You guys have finished refining this furnace. Wait until I come back and we'll be together." Luo Bi turned to Fengling: "Fengling, I'm going home."

Fengling didn't ask any further questions: "Just go."

Wen Xiao was curious: "I just came home. What are you going to do?"

Luo Bi scratched her little paw and said, "I'm going to pull out the energy flowers and plants."

Wen Xiao: "······"

Fengling: "??????"

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