Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2409 You have the final say

Luo Bi was very happy and ran back quickly, overjoyed: "Another one."

Wen Yao and Luo Jie were overjoyed. They were surprised at Luo Bi's quick reaction, and at the same time they couldn't help but laugh. This woman is really interesting. She has never been so active in anything else, but her clumsiness is unparalleled.

"Continue hunting or go back?" Wen Yao looked at the time on the terminal and asked Roger and Luo Bi for their opinions: "It will be noon soon, and we don't know when we will wait for the next Flame Duck Beast."

Luo Bi had no idea, so Roger said: "Go back to the spaceship and have something to eat, and come back quickly."

Roger said this to Luo Bi and also discussed with Luo Bi. Now both he and Wen Yao have to accommodate Luo Bi. He is so awesome, the array weapons he uses are all evil, and his hunting ability is much better than other equipment.

"How about catching another one?" Luo Bi hesitated.

Roger and Wen Yao were immediately undecided. Luo Bi's eyes were fixed on the dense forest. After a while, they saw that the alien beasts were no longer coming. They considered that it would be difficult to keep the alien beasts in the storage container, so they went back. .

They found mushrooms on the way, and a few people quickly picked them up and left.

Suddenly, Luo Bi said to Roger: "Give me the little earth ball quickly."

Roger reacted quickly and quickly threw the small earth ball to Luo Bi. Luo Bi raised her hand and threw it towards the colorful beasts in the forest.

With a "bang" sound, the small colorful beast was instantly blown away and killed immediately.

Roger: "..." He didn't even notice this colorful beast.

Wen Yao walked over to check it out. This colorful beast was not big, weighing about fifty kilograms. Wen Yao picked it up without letting Luo Bi put the storage bracelet in. After all, putting it in the storage device would cause some energy loss.

This colorful beast is small and not eye-catching.

Luo Bi was delighted: "Another one, now three."

Hearing this news, Roger and Wen Yao felt happy. In one morning, they hunted two flaming duck beasts and one colorful beast. They really gained a lot, which was much better than other hunting teams.

The three of them avoided the crowds during the next journey and returned to the spaceship ten minutes later. The Leiyan warrior at the parking area of ​​the ship saw Wen Yao carrying a large bundle of bamboo leaves and looked away with just one glance.

Bamboo leaves can be used to make tea and make pillows. It is not surprising that some people collect them.

Luo Bi snorted, thinking that she was blind, that was not a bamboo leaf, there was a colorful strange beast hidden inside the bamboo leaf. You can't tell this, her eyes are really hard to use, but her eyes are better than others.

Wen Yao was calm and waited for the small luxury spaceship. Luo Bi went straight to the material warehouse, followed by Roger and Wen Yao. After Luo Bi opened the colorful bracelet and threw the flame duck beast out, she looked at Wen Yao.

Wen Yao pulled the bamboo leaves, and the fifty-pound colorful beast was revealed. He asked Luo Bi: "Let's take care of this colorful beast. How do you want to eat it? Roast it or braise it? You can do your part." Big, you have the final say.”

Luo Bi concentrated on pulling the things and said, "Just make it simple. Let's eat quickly and go hunting."

She was more anxious than the Thunder Flame Warrior. Wen Yao nodded to show that he understood. He calmly took the colorful beasts and went with Roger to clean them up. I didn't know if I didn't clean it up. I pulled back the chicken feathers and took a look, only to find that the fried chicken breast was full of dirt.

The corner of Roger's mouth twitched: "It won't be easy anymore, and we won't be able to clean up the mess."

Luo Bi didn't have the time to wait, so she drank the whole load of milk and ran to the kitchen area to mutter, for no other reason than it was too slow.

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