Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2412 Not worth it

Luo Bi didn't care to pay attention to such people, and followed Wen Yao and Luo Jie.

For a moment, Luo Bi also thought about taking the opportunity to snatch the hunting team's supplies. After all, most of the injured had lost their fighting ability. But this thought only passed by for a moment, and was quickly abandoned by Luo Bi. Such a drop in value was not worth it.

Walking in the bamboo forest, Luo Bi asked about the agitation of Qiang Gene: "How long does it take for Thunder Flame Warriors to fight before Qiang Gene becomes restless? I saw several hunting teams on the rocky mountain using Anshen Powder, but they stopped fighting and used Anshen Powder. What to do?"

The sunshine at noon was very strong, and there was a small stream in front of him. Roger jumped across it in a few short steps.

"You go over first." Wen Yao stepped aside.

Let’s stop the topic and let’s stop talking. We have distanced ourselves from each other. What should we do if others can’t hear us?

Luo Bi stopped talking. She was not polite when Wen Yao asked her to pass first. She would not be able to break the queen if she did not have the strength to fight, so it was best to walk in the middle. When she stepped on the stone, Wen Yao followed. Luo Bi searched the stream with her eyes, turned around, grabbed the small basket from Wen Yao's hand, threw it into the water, and dragged her away.

The stream is very shallow and there are many rocks scattered around. The small backpack hits the rocks one after another.

"I want to see if I can catch small fish and shrimps." Luo Bi explained, picked up the small backpack and continued to drag it away.

"Small fish and shrimps are not so easy to catch." Roger arrived on the other side of the stream and waited there, observing the surrounding environment: "There are strange animals nearby. We must leave the bamboo forest as soon as possible and reach Qinxiang Mountain to collect supplies. Hurry up! "

After hearing this, Luo Bi quickened her pace and dragged the small backpack over: "It's better not to throw the small backpack into the water. It's hard to pick up after it's soaked in water."

She didn't point out that she could catch small fish and shrimps, so she crossed the stream and pulled it, but she couldn't catch it and pulled it down.

Wen Yao just pretended not to hear and didn't answer. Roger twitched the corner of his mouth. This woman thought that she was coming out at the same time. She threw all this into the background and said this again later. It was really hard to serve.

Roger was impatient and urged the two of them: "Stop dawdling."

With the last stone, Luo Bi jumped to the other side of the stream, and then she felt something was wrong with the weight on her hand as she pulled the small backpack. Luo Bi also had good eyesight and quick reactions. She swung the small backpack towards Roger's feet with all her strength.

It was impossible to throw it into the water. Luo Bi's hands were not strong enough, so the weight of the small backpack was pulled halfway.

Several orange shrimps fell out at once and landed at Roger's feet.

Roger lowered his eyes: "...Eh?"

Wen Yao subconsciously looked at the small basket, his eyes suddenly shrank, what a guy, he actually caught an orange shrimp: "Roger, don't be stunned, quickly pick up the orange shrimp that fell out."

Orange shrimp?

Only then did Roger come back to his senses with surprise. He hurriedly squatted down to pick up the orange shrimps on the ground and threw them one by one into a small basket: "Who would have thought that there would be orange shrimps in such a living stream."

Luo Bi was on the side, happily looking at the number of orange shrimps: "I was scared just now. The small basket was in the water and I was worried about the orange shrimp attacking. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and threw the small basket away."

Roger nodded: "Be more careful next time, I was careless this time."

Wen Yao came closer, took a look, and his eyes showed surprise: "Oh, they are not small, there are eleven orange shrimps."

"I don't know if there are any more." Roger took out a bag, poured the orange shrimps into it, and handed the small basket to Wen Yao: "You should follow Luo Bi's example and catch them again. Without us, hurry up and leave."

Wenyao and Luojie thought of going together, so they walked around with their small baskets and caught three orange shrimps.

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