Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2414 Everyone refuses to give in

Roger handed the spicy meat jerky in his hand to Luo Bi: "Let's eat and have fun! After gathering enough energy, we have to rush to Qinchang Mountain."

The dried meat made with nutritious ingredients is more valuable than ordinary dried meat. Roger has a high military rank, and because of his strong genetic agitation, the dried meat distributed by the military is added with nutritious seasonings. Spicy ones are more popular than other flavors.

Roger was injured, so Luo Bi was embarrassed to ask for it. She shook her head: "I won't eat it."

Roger threw two packets to her, then tore one packet open and ate it himself. "You're welcome. I've gained a lot this time. I'll share the ingredients when I get back. Spicy dried meat is not as delicious as fresh exotic meat."

After Roger said this, Robbie tore open a pack and took a small bite: "..."

It was so spicy that it was so spicy that I couldn't find it. Luo Bi quickly drank water to suppress the spiciness. She drank several sips in succession, but the effect was not very good: "Why is the spicy jerky so spicy?" hot?"

Roger was speechless. All interstellar humans like to eat spicy food. Even women who can't eat spicy food won't have this reaction. What else is delicious food if it's not spicy? This woman is really pampered and is so picky about what she eats.

"Is it so spicy? You're exaggerating." Roger stuffed the remaining spicy pork jerky into his mouth and ate it all.

Luo Bi: "······"

Luo Bi looked at the spicy meat jerky in his hand and ate it in small bites. Then he took a kettle to drink water, mixed it with a small mouthful of spicy meat jerky and a large mouthful of water.

What else to do? Nowadays, nutritional and energy food is in short supply, so it’s hard to throw it away.

Returning not long after, Wen Yao came back with a small basket and a small backpack in his hands: "Let's go."

Both the small basket and the small backpack belonged to Luo Bi. Luo Bi stood up from the rocky mountain, ate the spicy dried meat and said, "Give me the small basket."

Wen Yao didn't give it to her: "I'll hold it for you."

Luo Bi looked at the endless mountains and forests, and did not continue to take the small basket back to hold it herself. Farther away, the mountains were undulating and towering into the clouds. She felt her heart go up and down as she looked at them.

Fortunately, Qinchang Mountain is not far away, otherwise, she would have given up her energy long ago.

Two round trips, plus a turn back halfway, Luo Bi had never walked these distances before, so it was overloaded. Luo Bi was exhausted, relying solely on the joy of hunting. She ate spicy dried meat and followed Roger and Wen Yao as they continued to walk towards Qinchang Mountain.

By the time they arrived at Qinchang Mountain, it was already twenty minutes later. Luo Bi was out of breath and walked for a while to rest. Roger and Wen Yao were very patient and stopped to wait for her. Luo Bi sighed for her own strength and lifted her heels.

When we arrived at the main battlefield, the battle was over. More than a dozen hunting teams killed five strange beasts in total, and the rest dispersed. Alien beasts vary in size from big to small, so you need to carefully separate them.

The stronger ones want more points, and the weaker ones are not willing to be outdone. Everyone is unwilling to give in to the distribution of prey.

Qin Yilang's hunting team were all thunder flame warriors with strong genes, so no matter how unhappy others were, half of the Flame Duck Beast was taken away. Xue Changruo took away the other half, and Lan Rui continued to fight with the other teams. He would not give up one or two exotic beasts.

I was overjoyed when I got the prey, and then I marked out my territory and collected supplies in Qinchang Mountain.

Fengling, Luo Jie, and He Yun had vicious eyes. They took a quick look at Qinsu Mountain and selected a piece of land. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Roger told everyone about the offensive capabilities of the shirt. Good guy, Qin Yilang and others were dumbfounded, and then became ecstatic.

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