Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2449 Others can’t do it

At this time, the light rain became heavier, and dense raindrops fell on everything on the planet.

The members of the Zhan family's hunting team stood in the rain falling from the branches and leaves, looking at each other in confusion. Just when they were suspicious, Zhan Hui, the cousin of Zhan Kuai, the young master of the Zhan family, came with people.

Luo Bi looked at Zhan Hui, and Zhan Hui also saw Luo Bi. The two families were relatives, but he ignored Luo Bi.

Very good, Luo Bi doesn't want to talk to him. He relies on his noble status, so we won't fawn over him.

Zhan Hui's eyes fell on the bird. One of the Thunder Flame warriors came closer, pointed at the bird and said, "This one looks like a rare bird, but it doesn't know how to play the piano with bamboo."

This is simply weird. Could it be that something is wrong?

Zhan Hui walked over and stood in front of Luo Bi: "Let me see if this is just a bird."

Jiang Yixin and the Thunder Flame Warriors of the Zhu family stood in the middle with vigilance. Zhu Xingshao, Zhu Xingsu, and Zhu Xingzhi also stepped forward to stop them. This was not an ordinary bird. Even if they couldn't play the piano, they had to be sure before they could use their hands on others.

Zhu Xingshao was full of momentum. He stood in front of Zhan Hui and said, "Luo Bi, don't give it to him. Maybe Jie Yuniao won't be able to play the piano with bamboo because she is frightened. Just take it easy for a while."

There was hesitation on Luo Bi's face, and Zhan Hui said, "I'll just take a look and won't take it from you."

Who believes this? Anyway, Jiang Yixin and the others didn't believe it. Luo Bi almost couldn't help but laugh. Zhan Hui thought she was being mean-spirited. If she is short-sighted, she must be short-sighted. Sometimes she does have a bit of it, so just treat Zhan Hui as if she is short-sighted.

Luo Bi handed the bird to Zhan Hui. Zhu Xingshao and Zhu Xing were very anxious. Jiang Yixin also hesitated to say anything, but it was too late. Luo Bi had already given the bird to Zhan Hui.

Zhan Hui twitched the corner of his mouth imperceptibly, carefully held the little body of the bird, played with it, poked the bird's pointed beak, and opened the bird's mouth while everyone was stunned.

"Major?" the Thunder Flame warrior from Zhanjia's hunting team reminded him, thinking, "What are you doing?" As long as the bird doesn't know how to play the piano with bamboo, it's useless if you try to break its beak. You don't have to kill the good bird.

The Zhu family's Thunder Flame Warrior also reminded him: "Zhan Hui, this is the bird we caught."

Zhan Hui said nothing and picked the raw jam from the beak of the Jieyu bird. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the Zhu family's Thunder Flame warriors: "What kind of song are you singing? You actually stuck the bird's beak with jam, so Jieyu bird How can you use your talents?"

"Uh..." The Thunder Flame Warrior of the Zhu family was shocked: "Did you use raw jam to stick the bird's beak?"

The little brothers Zhu Xingshao and Jiang Yixin knew what was going on as soon as they heard it? Suddenly he looked at Luo Bi. No one else but Luo Bi could glue a bird's beak with raw jam, but what if someone saw it?

The bird fell into the hands of the Zhan family's hunting team, and it would take a fight to come back.

Luo Bi didn't take it seriously and kicked the transplanted bamboo: "I glued the bird's mouth because it was so noisy. It wasn't to prevent it from playing the piano. There is bamboo here. If you don't believe me, let it try. , it may not be able to play the piano with bamboo if its mouth is not glued."

Zhan Hui didn't mind giving it a try. The Thunder Flame Warrior of the Zhan family moved the pot of bamboo in front of Zhan Hui, as if they had determined that it was a rare bird and did not intend to let Jiang Yixin and others come into contact with it.

Luo Bi sneered. She could glue the bird's beak to prevent the bird from pecking at the bamboo. She was still confident of this.

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