Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2461 Count and feel happy

After the duck beast divided the small peppers, it became even better. Jiang Yixin, Wen Xiao and others were excited and energetic because they had harvested the ingredients. They immediately gave several small peppers, and the more they counted, the more energetic they became.

Luo Bi didn't have time to stay with them without sleeping, so she said impatiently: "Okay, stop counting, divide the baskets equally, one basket per person."

Xiao Jianjiao was half dissatisfied and picked a total of six baskets. One basket per person was a good share. Do you want to count them one by one? Luo Bi didn't even know what such smart people as Wen Xiao were thinking.

"We have an advantage with one basket per person." Wen Yao said with a smile.

Who doesn't know that it's good to divide the baskets, but Luo Bi found these small peppers. No matter how smart Wenyao and the others are, they can't pretend to be confused. It was different when Luo Bi brought it up herself. Fengling didn't say anything. Everyone happily picked up the small peppers in several large bamboo baskets.

Luo Bi looked around and said, "Why are there so many in these three baskets?"

Wen Xiao smiled: "Your family's and your brother's."

Luo Bi stopped talking. She could share more of the ones she found. When picking the peppers, they all had leaves in order to keep them fresh. Some of the peppers had leaves that had fallen off, making them unsightly.

Luo Bi wanted something good-looking, so everyone gave Luo Bi the good ones.

After dividing the small peppers, everyone got up and prepared to go home. At this time, Luo Bi threw out the five buckets of forks: "I also found the forks, but they haven't been divided yet. You don't want them anymore?"

A group of thunder flame warriors: "······"

After a long while, Wen Xiao came back to his senses: "Damn it, Luo Bi, why did you find so many climbing forks?"

Others only found a hundred or so in one night, but Luo Bi was better off. They packed them in small buckets. Wen Xiao couldn't estimate the number for a while. It's not that he doesn't know how to count, it's just that it's so incredible that he's confused.

Hua Ran looked complicated: "I thought there were only a hundred."

My guess was wrong, it was quite wrong.

Fengling didn't say anything. He and Hua Ran had the same idea. No one expected that Luo Bi would find so many forks at once. The forks are all used by women and children as dishes. It’s really amazing to find five buckets of fried food to satisfy your cravings.

"Luo Bi, you are so awesome." Jiang Yixin was so happy that she moved a small bench over and dragged a small bucket to count the crotches. She counted the crotches for no other reason than she felt happy after counting them.

Luo Bi hummed and laughed. If Wen Yao, Wen Xiao, and Jiang Yixin didn't let her go when they were sharing supplies, she wouldn't have taken out the climbing tree. Since she didn't care about anything, Luo Bi didn't hide it.

Fengling took a look and thought, let’s all count together!

After more than half an hour, the number was clear. Luo Bi found a total of more than 2,000 climbing forks this time. Now it was easy to divide. Luo Bi got a thousand. The others were Wen Yao, Hua Ran, Wen Xiao, and Jiang Yixin. point.

That night there was a heavy rain, lightning and thunder, the wind blew the rain into the house, and the temperature dropped a lot.

Jiang Yixin, a foodie, couldn't sleep because she was thinking about the meat at home. She got up before dawn and fried a plate of crispy clams. After eating, she went back to sleep. It was such a comfortable little life.

As a result, Fengling did not lead the team on the mission the next day, and the others who did not go on the mission took advantage of the rainy day to sort out the harvested ingredients at home, and stopped by to chat and get closer to each other.

Jiang Yixin and Wen Xiao got up early in the morning and went to clean up the exotic beasts. They didn't clean it up because it was too late last night. They rubbed it with seasonings such as bay leaves and worked for a long time before finishing.

After it was sorted out, each family shared some.

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