Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2469 She can harvest good things

Luo Bi doesn't care, just grab it! She has put away all the good things. She can't even let others dig out the forks!

Luo Bi did have this selfish intention, but after thinking about it, she decided to let it go. Nowadays, interstellar humans are cold and ruthless enough, so she will not get involved.

Luo Bi got the big head and gave up the few climbing branches to others. She calculated and found about a pound of climbing branches here, which was not much at all. It was best to collect some more ingredients before going back.

There are pheasants in this area, but no pheasants. It makes no sense at all! How could there be eggs without pheasants?

Luo Bi walked towards the nearby bamboo forest. It was not yet three o'clock in the afternoon, and she still had an hour or two to find supplies.

It gets dark quickly on a rainy day, so it shouldn't be too late to go back at five o'clock.

"How many climbing branches did you find?"

Women and children are like this. Regardless of whether they know someone or not, they like to get close to each other and inquire about other people's gains. Robby was like that too, so she wasn't surprised when a kid asked.

"I found about a hundred." Worried that people wouldn't believe it, Luo Bi even held up the small bucket and showed it to the child, and then asked the child: "What about you? How many climbing branches did you find?"

The child hesitated for a moment and whispered, "I found about two hundred of them."

Luo Bi and the child looked at each other, with happy smiles on their faces. They had gained a lot from each other, and they were naturally happy, but they couldn't share it with most people. It was good for the two of them to be happy.

"I'm going to look elsewhere." The child said hello and ran away.

Luo Bi nodded: "I will also look elsewhere."

Leaving the crowded bamboo forest, the sound of rain could be heard all over my ears. From time to time, there would be a flash of golden light in the sky, followed by a thunder. The temperature dropped a lot. Luo Bi looked around in the rain. She didn't believe it. How far could a pheasant go when there was a pheasant nesting in it?

Luo Bi had a very good eye. When looking for pheasants, she found more than a dozen branches from the trees, and she would go and take a look at anything that even looked like a pheasant. She searched so carefully that after ten minutes, she found a pheasant with wet feathers in front of a cluster of bamboo trees.

Luo Bi was sure it was a pheasant and stared at it for a while. The pheasant's feathers were almost unable to flutter after being soaked in the rain. She found a small basket from her storage bracelet, walked over carefully, caught the pheasant and put it into the small basket.

After doing this, Luo Bi happily walked back with the small basket on her back. This one pheasant was enough. Any more might not be hers. She stopped catching it, so as not to make others suspicious.

Tong Wan also rushed to the bamboo forest here to look for climbing branches. When he saw Luo Bi coming back, he asked, "How many climbing branches have you found?"

"Not much?" Luo Bi was really annoyed with this man and her tone was very cold.

Tong Wan immediately suspected that Luo Bi had found a lot of climbing forks. She tilted her eyes at the small bucket in Luo Bi's hand and said, "There are a lot of climbing forks here. You must have found a lot of climbing forks. Let's put the climbing forks together?" Isn’t it heavy for you to carry?”

Luo Bi couldn't help but sneered in a funny way: "How can we separate the climbing branches if they are put together?"

Give her a dozen, but Tong Wan wants the rest? Think beautifully.

After the Galaxy War season, people became even more indifferent. Luo Bi couldn't stand it and always wanted to treat people with sincerity. Who knew she would meet Tong Wan, a greedy person who was greedy again and again.

According to Luo Bi's temper, she had already ignored Tong Wan. Luo Bi didn't like to slap people in the face, so it was okay to ignore this kind of thing.

But you see, no.


Every time Tong Wan wants to take advantage, she always gets something good!

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