Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2472: Careful and scheming

Luo Bi stamped her foot on the ground hard and was so angry that she was speechless: "Who asked you to find a tree? If you are not afraid of the cave, there are crawling branches under the melon seeds and vegetables. Dig it quickly. We will leave as soon as we have dug this area clean." "

Jiang Yixin: "······"

He said nothing and took a shovel to spread the melon seeds and vegetables. The melon seeds and vegetables covered an area too large. He picked up a branch and lifted it up. He was very suspicious in his heart.

Wen Xiao and Hua Ran came over and picked out a melon seed vegetable. They lifted up the whole vegetable and the ground was soaked. They dug it with a shovel and found two climbing branches.

Hua Ran: "????"

Wen Xiao: “·······”

"Holy shit! Since when did twigs grow under the melon seeds and vegetables in the dry land?" Wen Xiao was ecstatic. Based on his experience, he could imagine that there must be a lot of twigs in this area: "Hurry up and dig! It's so easy to find. "

Hua Ran was convinced, so she quickly dug the shovel twice more, and, good fellow, several crawling twigs came out.

Wen Xiao saw it, turned his head and said to Luo Bi, "You're awesome! So many people were looking for the fork but couldn't find it, but you found it without even looking carefully."

Luo Bihua wiped the water off the melon seeds and vegetables, and picked up a branch stem and leaf: "It's not that I have good eyesight, but I like this kind of dry land melon seeds and vegetables."

Wen Xiao was stunned for a moment, and looked at Luo Bi unclearly through the rain. This woman... was really strange. Sometimes she was very thoughtful and scheming, and sometimes she was really too much.

To be honest, Wen Xiao was surrounded by shrewd people who were good at calculations, and it was strange for Luo Bi to be among them.

The next few people didn't say anything, and they all wielded their shovels and worked for a while. It was really troublesome to dig out the melon seeds and vegetables. Wen Xiao and the others had the intention to pull them out, but they thought that some people would be suspicious, so they simply left them untouched.

During the process of digging for climbing branches, the Lei Yan warriors finally figured out that the situation of those who can find climbing branches is completely different from those who can't find climbing branches. It can be said that they can lose their popularity.

No matter how hard Luo Bi digs, there are always a lot of climbing branches. Wen Xiao, Hua Ran, and Jiang Yixin are as if they don't have eyes. They can't dig in another place. They dig several shovels but there is not a single climbing branch.

Looking at Luo Bi again, she couldn't even pick it up. She even grabbed a handful of mud and climbing branches, wiped the rainwater on the grass leaves, and threw a handful of climbing branches into a small bucket next to her.

Jiang Yixin could see clearly that there were several small pieces of mud mixed in, and not all of them were twigs thrown into the small bucket.

Luo Bike didn't care about this. As the sky became darker and darker, the most important thing was speed. He didn't know how many branches he would dig out because of his procrastination. But Hua Ranhe, Wen Xiao, and Jiang Yixin were so unlucky that they couldn't dig out so many forks, wasting their time.

Luo Bi couldn't stand it anymore and stood up angrily. She found some melon seeds and kicked them: "Stop wasting your time. Have you seen these melon seeds? There are climbing branches down here. So You can’t dig it even if you climb a lot of branches, you are really good at it.”

Wen Xiao dug out two forks under another melon seed plant. Seeing this, he walked over a little depressed, lifted up the melon seeds and dug out the melon seeds. Holy shit, there are two climbing forks.

Wen Xiao pursed his lips and refused to accept it. At this time, Hua Ran and Jiang Yixin also brought shovels and dug together. They were both full of surprises. A shovel never leaves anything empty when digging.

The Thunder Flame warriors were surprised and happy. They quickly imitated Luo Bi and grabbed mud and climbing sticks. It was so enjoyable.


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