Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2478 Our children don’t want to be in the limelight

Luo Bi listened but did not participate. She was planning the ingredients at home and had no time to care about anything else.

Luo Hang washed a small basket of twigs, and Luo Bi quickly stood up and brought it to Guan Zhuting to the small table. Luo Hang poured a small basket of twigs from a large bucket and washed it.

Luo Bi walked back and continued to pick branches and leaves: "How many branches are there?"

Luo Hang said while busy: "Not much more."

Just ask the question, the key is that before the point is reached, Luo Bi's quick temper can no longer be tolerated: "How much is not more? How many barrels are there yet to be packed out?"

Luo Hang raised his eyes and looked away: "There are still two buckets left. Stop doing it and go to Zhu's house to play!"

Luo Bi thought too. She had simply done enough. She went to the glass sink to wash her hands. She picked two fruits that Hua Ran had picked from an undeveloped planet, washed them and went out to visit.

When Luo Hang saw her going out, he turned around and reminded Guan Zhuting: "Don't think that the array device's temperament is very similar to Luo Bi's in the future, so as not to overthink the Thunder Flame Warrior and prevent our children from being in the limelight."

Guan Zhuting paused and nodded: "Okay, I won't talk too much."

The Thunder Flame Warrior, an S-class genetically strong warrior from the interstellar era, would not mention his offspring easily. If he mentioned it, he would act like a maniac. He would go crazy hoping for his children. Guan Zhuting knew the importance and had a plan in mind.

Luo Bi arrived at the Zhu family. Mrs. Zhu was looking at the ingredient list in the yard. The other wives of the Zhu family were busy sorting out the ingredients collected, selecting vegetables, washing them, blanch them, drain them and let them dry.

The same goes for mushrooms and the like, everyone is talking and laughing and doing their own thing.

The children of the Zhu family helped from the side, and their fighting ability was much stronger than that of women. When Zhu Xingzhi and the others saw Luo Bi coming, they immediately called Luo Bi over with bright smiles, and they were all very affectionate.

"Why didn't you come with Flame Spoon?" Zhu Xingsu asked as he moved a basket of mushrooms to the spring and walked to Luo Bi.

There's nothing to say about this. Luo Bi couldn't answer. She didn't want to come when Yan Laopo came. She was jealous when Yan Laopo came to visit. What's there to say? Just don’t mention it.

Luo Bi did not answer this question, but looked at the food basket in the yard. There were mushrooms and wild vegetables, but no exotic animals. Luo Bi was confused: "Why are they all wild vegetables and mushrooms, but no exotic animal meat?"

Zhu Xingsu paused, and Zhu Xingshao couldn't help shouting: "Do you think this is the beginning of the galaxy war season? It's not easy to hunt in this heavy rain. Alien beasts are so easy to kill. It's good to have wild vegetables and mushrooms." ”

Luo Bi thought she knew why, but she just couldn't say a word. She took the fruit in her hand and asked, "Would you like to eat it?"

Zhu Xingshao hesitated, and Luo Bi pushed the fruit to him: "Why are you so polite to me? Here, my brother picked it back from a mission. This fruit is sweet and delicious."

The fruits were all washed. Zhu Xingshao took a small bite and tasted the sweetness of the fruits: "Yes, they are delicious. They are all ripe."

After that, he handed the fruit to the eager Zhu Xingjiao. Zhu Xingjiao was also sensible and broke it open and gave a small piece to Zhu Xingrong and Zhu Xingbao. Originally, the fruit was not big, so it would only be a small mouthful for a child. Luo Bi couldn't stand it anymore and gave the one in her hand to Zhu Xingbao.

Mrs. Zhu saw it and said, "Don't worry about them. They haven't eaten enough."

Zhu Xingbao ate the fruit and narrowed his eyes with a smile: "Luo Bi, will you eat at our house? We will make delicious meat at noon, stewed mushrooms with dried meat from exotic animals."

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