Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2485 What kind of magical luck is this?

Luo Bi felt happy from the bottom of her heart and picked up a small hoe to see where to start digging.

The green onion field is too big and there is no way to start.

The soil area of ​​the rock platform is about three-thirds of the land, and green onions are everywhere. They probably grew up in the spring. The seeds are densely planted, so the green onion plants cannot grow. Until now, they are just small green onion seedlings.

If it doesn't grow, it won't stand up. The onion seedlings are spread on the ground. At first glance, they look like grass, and the onion leaves are all dry.

This type of green onion is a new species after the galaxy war season. In the eyes of interstellar humans, they may think of it as grass, but Luo Bi is inexplicably familiar with it. In her previous life, she had always grown onions in her hometown, but later she stopped growing them on a large scale. However, her family would still grow some for food, and they grew this type of onion.

It's not a rare variety, but it's delicious, slightly spicy and sweet, and the dipping sauce is the best.

Of course, you can do whatever you want with the green onions, and no one can force you to eat them with dipping sauce.

Luo Bi plucked a handful of green onions from the ground. Seeing that it was difficult to use a hoe, she originally wanted to pull them out, but it didn't work at all. Luo Bi had no choice but to take a small hoe and carefully dig out the green onions.


Zhu Xingshao and Zhu Xingzhi stepped onto the rock platform, and both children were stunned by the green field in front of them.

Luo Bi didn't call her mom because of the surprise. Zhu Xingshao snatched the line. Zhu Xingshao and Zhu Xingzhi never expected that there would be such a large green field here. The green seedlings were small, but they were all green onions!

Luo Bi heard this and looked over: "Do you think the three of us can finish digging this green onion?"

"But we can't finish digging."

Zhu Xingshao and Zhu Xingzhi came back to their senses. The two children went back and forth to estimate the area of ​​the green onion field. They couldn't estimate the yield by guessing. After all, they were not planted by plants, so everything was messed up and they couldn't estimate the quantity.

"We won't have to worry about not having enough green onions in the future." Zhu Xingzhi felt as if he was dreaming. In the past, Luo Bi could refine an advanced array weapon at every turn, but Zhu Xingzhi had never been so excited.

The three of them couldn't dig up such a large piece of green onion land. Luo Bi placed the dug green onions neatly and ordered Zhu Xingshao: "Go and call everyone here. I'll call my brother and the others and ask them to come too."

This rock platform is just one of them, and there is a green onion field next to it. The area is not large, but there are a lot of green onions.

With such a large amount of green onions, how could Luo Bi not call her one of her own?

Zhu Xingshao ran away and called for someone.

Luo Bi made a call and told Hua Ran and Fengling about the discovery of green onions. When Hua Ran and Fengling heard this, they were stunned for a moment. Last time it was peppers, this time it was green onions. What is this? Fairy luck? ! !

Don’t you find seasonings only occasionally? What does it mean to discover a large film this time?

"Okay, I got it, I'll be there right away." Hua Ran hung up the call and immediately dialed a call to his parents. Wandering around in the mountains and forests of an undeveloped planet on a rainy day may not be safe, but if you find a place for food, there Digging is still possible.

Luo Hang and his wife answered the message and immediately started to pick up a hoe to pack bamboo baskets and the like. Suddenly, they found a large piece of green onion. The couple was not sure. Hua Ran said to let them go without asking any questions.

Wen Yao received Fengling's message and asked Lu Xiao to drive over in a hover car and drove Luo Hang and his wife to Qingyao Star to dig onions.

On the floating car, Lu Xiao couldn't help but ask: "Do we need so many people to dig onions?"

Wen Yao clicked his tongue, also confused: "It's a big piece of green onion."

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