Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2488 High nutritional content

Wen Xiao and others were overjoyed. They went home and cooked a dish with new green onions. They tasted it carefully and didn't say anything for a long time.

The dinner at Fengling's house was more sumptuous, with two dishes and one soup plus barbecue, and two plates of fried clams. The man was busy in the kitchen area, and Luo Bi washed herself and went for a walk around her parents' house. She was very energetic today.

Zhu Xingshao saw the limited-edition suspended sports car on the hill of the Zhu family. He ran down the hill. The head of the Zhu family stopped him: "It's time to eat, what are you doing?"

"Luo Bi came to her parents' house." Zhu Xingshao ran out of the yard.

The head of the Zhu family said loudly: "Ask her if she will go dig onions tomorrow."

Zhu Xingshao agreed, and when he arrived at Luo's house, Luo Bi sat leisurely under the vines in the yard and ate river melon seeds. Luo Hang and his wife were busy in the kitchen, playing with the small peppers and turning them over.

Zhu Xingshao's eyes lit up and he ran over: "How are your small peppers doing after drying?"

Hua Ran picked up a small pepper and said: "Try it, it's not easy to dry on rainy days."

Zhu Xingshao took the small pepper. Luo Bi walked over and said to Zhu Xingshao, "It's very spicy."

Zhu Xingshao ate it in two bites, smacking it in his mouth, and had a good aftertaste: "The small peppers collected in the wild have a good taste. They are much more delicious than those grown by planters, and they also have a sweet and spicy taste."

Luo Bi: "······"

Luo Bi took a sip of melon seeds. Who is he? She said the small pepper was spicy and he ate it in two bites, which was a waste of time.

Zhu Xingshao swallowed the small pepper and then explained his purpose: "Luo Bi, we have tasted the green onions dug today. They are very nutritious. I would like to ask if you will go on a mission tomorrow? Let's go look for them. No green onions.”

Luo Bi thought for a while and nodded: "We will go on a mission as soon as the rain subsides, and go to Qingyao Star!"

Zhu Xingshao didn't have much idea about which planet to go on a mission. Luo Bi liked to sleep in, so he had to remind him: "Can we go in the morning? You get up early in the morning, and we will go back early."

"Okay." Luo Bi responded.

"Can you get up?" Zhu Xingshao asked.

Luo Bi looked at him: "I won't sleep in anymore."

Zhu Xingshao didn't believe it: "Don't you like to sleep in since you were a child? Why don't you sleep anymore?"

"I don't know." Luo Bi sighed while chewing river melon seeds. She didn't like her current state: "I used to be able to sleep so much! Even if I didn't sleep, I wouldn't get up, so I would just lie on the bed and play. Now I can't sleep."

"It's good to get up early."

"What's so good?" Luo Bi said angrily, "I can't even use my brain."

Zhu Xingshao: "······"

That's all, but you still have trouble with your brain? Zhu Xingshao decided not to be on the same level as Luo Bi. Wasn't this meant to be irritating?

Hua Ran turned over the small peppers on the bamboo curtain, and then turned over the small peppers on the other bamboo curtain. After hearing that the two people were talking about it, he interrupted: "Are you going to eat it back, or are you eating it at home?"

When Hua Ran mentioned it, Luo Bi was about to leave: "Fengling is waiting for me."

Hua Ran quickly went to the kitchen and got a plate of spicy clams. Luo Bi took a look at it and said, "I won't eat it."

Hua Ran couldn't help but put her on the sports car. Luo Hang came out to see his daughter off. When Luo Bi got on the suspended sports car, Zhu Xingshao did not forget to tell her: "Tomorrow we will go to Qingyao Star early in the morning."


As soon as Luo Bi left, Zhu Xingshao was ready to go home, and Luo Hang brought him a plate of spicy clams. Zhu Xingshao happily returned to the main house of the Zhu family, and then brought a pheasant to Luo Bi, and Luo Hang accepted it.

Having planned a mission tomorrow, Luo Bi didn't go out for a walk in the evening. She went to bed early after dinner.

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