Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2503 Winter

This winter, the material reserves of each planet are insufficient, so the families of the garrison troops are not too busy.

In contrast, Luo Bi's family was extremely busy, for no other reason than that most of the supplies they collected were green onions. Green onions, which are as big as leeks, are very labor-intensive to organize. There is nothing left after peeling off the dry outer leaves.

When picking up the green onions, Luo Bi was very depressed. You said she was looking for bad ingredients, but she found so many green onions. Luo Bi was holding on to the rotten green onions, feeling choked with anger. They were so small, when could they be sorted out? !

Next to them, Luo Hang and his wife were busy, and they didn't feel upset at all. As long as it was about ingredients, the more the better. It's enough that the dry leaves on the outside are still edible, so they don't mind the trouble.

Everyone was in a good mood when sorting out supplies in winter. Mrs. Zhu and the children of the Zhu family brought two baskets of green onions from their own house to stay with Luo Bi. Everyone talked and laughed together, sorting the green onions and removing the dry outer leaves.

Zhu Xingbao and Zhu Xingrong took the dried leaves away and cleared the space. There were still dried leaves at Luo Bi's feet. She got up and pulled them together with her feet, while her hands were busy picking the dried onion leaves.

"There's more." Luo Bi called Zhu Xingbao.

The child ran back in a hurry, hugged them together with a huff, and left. Luo Bi looked at the baskets of green onions and sighed: "This job is not easy to do. When can we finish sorting it?!"

"You kid." Luo Hang didn't like hearing this. Isn't it good to have too much food? ! He hoped that there would always be onions piled up so that he would not have to worry about eating them even if there were no other ingredients in winter.

Mrs. Zhu smiled: "When my family is finished doing it, let these children from my family do it for you."

After that, Mrs. Zhu directed Zhu Xingzhi: "Xingzhi, you go work for Luo Bi's family."

Zhu Xingzhi responded and quickly carried a small stool over. Guan Zhuting was busy: "No, no, no, your family has more onions than ours. When you are done, you can help mine."

Mrs. Zhu said: "I have a lot of family members."

Zhu Xingzhi sat next to Luo Bi, hugged a large handful of green onions and started to do it. Luo Bi was still nagging in disgust: "All chili peppers are better than a lot of green onions. Look, they are small, hard to clean, and rotten." Chirping, if you remove the outside, there’s nothing left.”

Without waiting for Zhu Xingzhi to answer, Zhu Xingshao also moved a small chair and came over: "Are you satisfied? There are green onions and peppers just right. Other people don't even have this kind of green onions. What they eat are ordinary onions grown by planting robots." , not to mention the low nutritional value, the spicy taste is not good at all.”

Luo Bi was surprised: "Can the food grown by the planting robot still be eaten?"

Zhu Xingshao said: "Eating it alive is better than nothing."

That's right. After Luo Bi was busy, she grabbed a handful of green onions and continued to dig them in the rain. The outer layer of the green onions was rotten and rotten. Luo Bi sighed in disgust, and her mouth was not idle.

Zhu Xingshao talked a lot, and the two got together to chat.

Mrs. Zhu winked at Guan Zhuting, and the two of them smiled. As Luo Bi spoke, she mentioned the onion fields on the undeveloped planet: "There are onion fields elsewhere, but we haven't dug them back."

"What? Are there green fields?" Zhu Xingshao suddenly looked at Luo Bi: "Are you on Qingyao Star?"

Luo Bi saw everyone's expressions and knew that everyone still wanted to dig onions. She was stunned and smiled silently: "What are you doing? There are so many onions that haven't been sorted out yet. Do you still want onions?"

Zhu Xingshao and Zhu Xingzhi nodded vigorously: "Ah, I want it!"

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