Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2523 A strange beast with second level combat power

At this time, everyone couldn't care about anything and ran towards the rock platform.

One group of people saw an adult ostrich coming diagonally from the front. They quickly turned their running steps and shouted: "Take a detour."

If you can't fight, hide if you can. If you can't run, then fight.

The women and children ran in front, and the Thunder Flame warriors followed behind.

The child gestured as he ran: "Two, two ostriches."

The woman added: "One big and one small."

The Thunder Flame Warrior scolded: "Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly. We can't defeat the second-level alien beasts."

As soon as these words came out, no one said anything, and everyone ran away.

The little ostrich beast spread its wings and roared out from the trees, splashing mud and water under its feet. The remaining people quickly identified it and analyzed the feasibility of running back to the rock platform in a detour.

Luo Bi saw that the adult ostrich beast was chasing the first group of people, and the baby ostrich beast rushed out again. She asked Hua Ran, "What should we do? Which direction are we going?"

Hua Ran protected everyone behind him and raised his hand to point to the mountains and forests: "Go around this way."

This detour is far away, but it is better than facing off against an ostrich beast. Luo Bi gathered her cloak, called Zhu Xingbao and ran: "Hurry up."

Zhu Xingbao jumped up and followed.

After Hua Ran broke off with Zhu Xingshao and Zhu Xingzhi, the other two teams looked around and headed north of the mountain forest. In any case, this direction was closer to the rock platform.

There was mud and water under his feet. Zhu Xingbao's short legs were very flexible when running, but Luo Bi couldn't run fast. Hua Ran was anxious and urged her to run faster, and then Luo Bi tried her best to feed.

Zhu Xingshao looked back frequently. The little ostrich and strange beast were getting closer and closer. Visually, it was less than a hundred meters away. Luo Bi ran as fast as she could, but her speed was not fast enough. Zhu Xingshao was extremely anxious.

"Luo Bi, let your brother carry you." Zhu Xingshao shouted.

Luo Bi had scruples, looked back, and analyzed the situation: "My brother can't outrun the ostrich beast even if he carries me on his back. It runs fast, and you can't outrun it if I don't hold it back."

Everyone could see this, but they couldn't stop just because they couldn't run. Luo Bi didn't say anything and let Hua Ran carry it. Zhu Xingshao had no choice but to speed up their pace while talking.

Luo Bi ran a few steps, took off her cloak and put it into her storage bracelet. She was so sweaty that she had nothing to wear anymore. Hua Ran, Zhu Xingshao and Zhu Xingzhi caught up and walked surrounded by Luo Bi and Zhu Xingbao.

Zhu Xingshao probably guessed the reason: "Luo Bi, I will carry you."

Luo Bi didn't make excuses this time: "Can you carry it?"

Zhu Xingshao said: "No problem."

Hua Ran slowed down his pace and prepared to fight: "Let Zhu Xingzhi carry you, and Zhu Xingshao and I will be separated from each other."

Luo Bi: "······"

Zhu Xingzhi was five years old last year and only six this year. Hua Ran was so anxious and confused that she asked him to carry Luo Bi.

Zhu Xingzhi was unambiguous. The child leaned into Luo Bi and said, "I'll carry you on my back. The little ostrich beast is catching up."

At this time, Luo Bi was still in the mood to measure her height, so she moved her eyes downwards, she was so small...

Zhu Xingzhi was unambiguous, Luo Bi was unambiguous. She almost laughed out loud at Hua Ran's arrangement. She looked back at the little ostrich beast that had caught up in the snow, and flapped its wings to kill a small group of Thunder Flame Warriors. Fly away.

Hua Ran's color suddenly changed: "Luo Bi, hurry up."

Ostrich beasts are second-level raptor beasts. Humans have no advantage at all against them. Even S-class thunder flame warriors with strong genes like Hua Ran find it difficult to fight against them.

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