Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2530 Eating meat

Don't you want it, Robby?

She wanted to, but she didn't want to be in the limelight.

Roger was restless and didn't want to go on a mission, but with the shirt on his back he couldn't sit still. After hanging up the communication, Roger said hello to General Qi Lan and led a team of elites to the hunting planet.

Luo Bi was lost in thought for a moment, felt cold, and gathered her cloak.

It was only after eight o'clock in the evening that Hua Ran and Zhu Xingshao took out the little ostrich beast. Zhu Xingbao and Zhu Xingzhi respectively grabbed the wings of the ostrich beast, and Zhu Xingshao grabbed the bird's head.

Luo Bi took a look and asked, "It's so late, are you still eating meat?"

It takes at least three or four hours to braise the meat. When it comes out of the pot, it will be too late. The braised meat has to be tasty. There is no mission tomorrow, so they have plenty of time to cook for food, not at this moment.

Zhu Xingshao nodded: "Everyone is tired, let's eat tomorrow."

The child Zhu Xingbao was extremely greedy, so Luo Bi asked Hua Ran to cut a piece of ostrich meat, about two kilograms: "If you want to eat it, go home and cook it yourself. I'll make something delicious tomorrow."

Zhu Xingzhi glared at Zhu Xingbao, and Luo Bi saw it: "Don't glare at him, children are like this."

Hua Ran and Zhu Xingshao put the ostrich and exotic animal meat in the kitchen area, washed their hands and everyone sat down to rest. Guan Zhuting served tea, and everyone had time to chat and laugh.

Zhu Xingbao lay on Luo Bi's lap and was very clingy. Later, even the Zhu family's children didn't even say they were leaving, and they planned to stay at night.

In this way, Hua Ran chopped more than ten kilograms of ostrich and exotic animal meat, Guan Zhuting took out barbecue seasonings, Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingbao pulled out a medium-sized grill, and everyone sat around to barbecue together.

Zhu Xingshao went back to Zhu's house, brought back two red pomegranates, and stuffed them into Luo Bi's hand: "Here, my aunt planted a few that were ripe, and I picked two for you."

Zhu Xingbao said: "It's so sweet."

Everyone was amused by the child. They looked at the meat on the grill and turned it over. The smell of the meat came out even before it was cooked. Several children swallowed their saliva, and Luo Bi also leaned over to wait for the barbecue.

"Sprinkle more pepper." Zhu Xingshao said.

Zhu Xingzhi sprinkled it twice, and Zhu Xingbao sprinkled it again. Luo Bi said, "It's better to eat chili pepper."

Zhu Xingshao said: "That's different."

Luo Bi didn't feel any difference. She liked to eat it dipped in garlic sauce, so she got up and took a few heads of garlic to make sauce. Whoever likes to eat is free to decide what flavor to eat. You do your thing and I do mine. Unless it’s spicy, it’s spicy.

After roasting a few skewers, Zhu Xingshao gave them to Luo Bi and Zhu Xingbao first, and the others could eat later. Luo Hang's family was used to doting on Luo Bi, and the children of the Zhu family didn't think it was a big deal, and they all classified Luo Bi and Zhu Xingbao together.

More than ten kilograms of exotic animal meat was not enough to eat, so Guan Zhuting fried a fork and served it to the table, enjoying a crispy meal.

Even so, the Thunder Flame warriors did not open their mouths to eat. Luo Bi sighed, so hunting an ostrich beast was nothing at all. Everyone is working hard on the mission, and it can't be justified not to have a good meal.

So, eat it.

It was already late after dinner, the ingredients and barbecue were all gone, Guan Zhuting tidied up for a while, and everyone went back to sleep.

Zhu Xingbao was thinking about eating, so he got up at dawn the next day. Since the children were making a fuss, everyone couldn't sleep, so he simply got up to eat. Those who moved the energy wood moved the energy wood, those who made the fire lit the fire, and stewed a pot of meat.

The braised meat took a long time and was not braised until noon. Luo Bi asked Hua Ran to fill a pot of meat. She called Zhu Xingshao: "Don't eat it at my house. You can take it back and eat it."

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