Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2533 Children are rare

Luo Bi stopped talking. She was not stupid, but she acted very stupidly.

She understands everything, she just doesn't want to play tricks on the people around her.

Everyone has selfish motives, she shouldn't be too real, and don't make good things look silly instead. No one wants to be regarded as a fool by others, even though some people say they don’t care, haha, who would believe it? None of us are saints.

Fortunately, the children of the Zhu family and Luo Bi didn't have to worry about it. Zhu Xingzhi only chopped the meat and gave the ostrich legs to Luo Bi.

As long as it's meat, children are curious about it and they won't pick it.

The next step is to divide the goods. In the morning, I packed some of everything and simmered it for dinner. Most of it was left unpacked, so everyone picked out what Luo Bi liked to eat and divided the rest.

Luo Bi read it over and suggested: "Take the unpalatable ones to the dungeon and exchange them for coriander and cucumber."

She was still thinking about the lack of coriander and cucumber in the vegetable mix. She remembered it more clearly than her age.

"No!" Zhu Xingshao quickly stopped: "My aunts have grown coriander and cucumber at home. As long as they are not the main course, the side dishes are enough. Let Xingzhi dig some for you later. There is no need to use meat. Replace vegetables.”

Every dish requires a variety of side dishes, especially meat dishes. If you want to follow the steps to make a complete delicious dish, you can just replace half of an ostrich.

Half an ostrich?

Zhu Xingshao felt distressed just thinking about it.

Luo Bi hesitated, and Zhu Xingzhi ran away. He quickly dug a pound of coriander and came back with five cucumbers. The cucumbers are not big, and they are not growing at first glance. A few small cucumbers are tender and tender.

Not only are they tender, but they are also curved and not very good in appearance.

"Why did you pick it off when it was so tender?" Luo Hang felt distressed and glared at Luo Bi.

Luo Bi didn't say anything. After picking the melons, they wouldn't grow on the vines, so everything she said was in vain.

The meat was divided into equal portions, and everyone's faces were filled with joy. Several children from the Zhu family took the meat home. After putting down the meat, the children ran outside. They didn't have enough fun and wanted to go back and continue playing with Luo Bi.

"What are you doing?" Mrs. Zhu called them.

"Go and play with Luo Bi." Zhu Xingzhi said.

Mrs. Zhu shook her head: "Her family has divided the meat and will definitely prepare delicious food in the next few days. Don't go there."

After hearing this, several children went back.

Luo Bi and Hua Ran divided the meat and returned home to the garrison base. Luo Hang helped her sort the ostrich and exotic animal meat. They walked around and saw that there was no work for him to do before leaving.

Luo Bi returned home and relaxed completely. She looked at the flying snow for a few minutes. Thinking of the big hunt in the three major galaxies, she suddenly felt worried.

It was superfluous to think that all these things were too much for her. Luo Bi put them aside in an instant, walked to the table, grabbed a handful of dried red dates from a small basket, ate them and went to the large balcony to plant fields.

After pulling out the cucumber seedlings, Luo Bi planted green radish and cabbage seeds, which had already sprouted. There are two or three green radish seedlings in a nest, and the cabbage seedlings are not growing well, and the leaves are weak and yellow.

Luo Bi sighed, turned back to the living room on the large balcony and ate two handfuls of dried red fruits. She was a little tired, so she lazily closed her eyes for a moment and went back to the bedroom to take a shower and sleep.

In winter, there is an energy panel at home, and it is very comfortable to hold the quilt warmly.

No one should disturb her sleep, and she would be anxious about anyone who disturbs her sleep.

Luo Bi slept until dark. She got up and ate something to prepare to continue sleeping. There was a strong north wind blowing outside, blowing the trees and whizzing by. The wind was very strong.

If it were before, Luo Bi would definitely not be able to sleep.

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