Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2538 Bamboo

Zhu Xiang felt uncertain after hearing this, and then told her: "If she can't afford it, just ask her to get up."

The two children nodded hesitantly, Luo Bi couldn't afford it, and their shouting was in vain.

In front of Luo Bi, the child was a little weak and basically ignored him.

"I'll go too." Zhu Xingrong hugged a small pillow and followed.

Madam Zhu was worried about the food for her family and nodded tiredly: "Go."

The Zhu family was busy that night. Luo Bi couldn't sleep at night and wanted to chat with a few children. Zhu Xingzhi shook his head: "Go to bed quickly. What should I do if I can't get up in the morning?"

Seeing that the child was so worried, Luo Bi simply went to sort out the things she had brought with her for the mission. Then she asked Zhu Xingzhi to cut a section of bamboo for wine making, which might not be used, in case of emergency.

The blizzard turned to snow in the morning. Luo Bi got up without letting the children worry, packed up and drove the hover car to join the hunting team.

In fact, it was okay for Luo Bi not to go on the mission this time, but she decided to go together after much consideration. She was worried about others using the newly made crab pots and fish traps.

Whether she could catch the river fish was the second priority. She was worried that others would mess it up.

After the Zhu family's levitation convoy arrived at Qingyao Star, other members of the hunting team went over to find out what was true. Zhu Xiang did not give them for nothing, and sent them away with a few words.

Everyone on the mission had their own purposes, so the people in the hunting team gave up when they couldn't figure it out.

On the rock platform, several members of the hunting team talked about the current equipment, such as the jade sword refined by Lan Heng and the formation disk refined by Luo Sha, and then got off the rock platform with a few words.

When the people from the Zhu family's hunting team entered the forest, Zhu Xiang raised his hand and pointed: "Let's go to the nearest flood river. Now the alien beasts are quite powerful. If we go deeper, it's okay to encounter one or two, but we can't defeat more than two." ”

The Thunder Flame warriors looked over, looked back, checked their equipment, and then opened a path to the south of the planet. They found wild vegetables and mushrooms along the way, dug them out and threw them into their backpacks, and continued their journey.

There are many dangers in the mountains and forests in winter, so everyone dare not be careless and are ready for battle at any time.

Luo Bi was a little unable to keep up with the team. Zhu Xiang signaled the Thunder Flame warriors to slow down. Why was the hunting team unwilling to take women with them on missions? It was because women were weak and would be a hindrance in missions.

Zhu Xingzhi reached out for Luo Bi's small backpack: "I'll hold it for you."

Luo Bi was panting from exhaustion. She didn't say she didn't need the child anymore and handed the small backpack to Zhu Xingzhi. After identifying the location, Luo Bi continued to move forward. The team arrived at Honghe River in about half an hour.

Everyone stopped and looked at the Flood River. Luo Bi took out the crab pot and fish trap.

Zhu Xiang looked at Luo Bi: "How to use crab pots and fish traps?"

Luo Bi handed the crab pot to Zhu Xiang: "Just find a place with a lot of river fish and throw the crab pot in. After a while, you can pull it up and you will know whether you can catch the river fish. The fish trap has to be pulled to the other side of the river. Can you do it?" ?”

All the Thunder Flame warriors of the Zhu family quickly shook their heads. Is it because the fighting type river fish is not strong enough, or is it because they dragged the fish clip to the other side of the river? Isn't this a case of poking at the river's fresh nest and asking for a beating?

Hua Ran looked into the distance and felt that it was not feasible, mainly because it was not worth it.

After all, it is not yet known whether the fish clip can catch river fresh food, so it is completely unnecessary.

Zhu Xiang said: "No."

The Zhu family's Thunder Flame warriors have this strength, but their equipment is not powerful.

Knowing it wouldn't work, Luo Bi took the fish trap herself without telling anyone. One crab trap was enough to keep the hunting team busy.

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