Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2552 I can’t stand it, it’s useless

Roger was deep in thought, thinking about the mission planet.

Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin are also thinking about which nearby planet is suitable. Undeveloped planets are not considered for the time being. There are only a few semi-developed planets. Among them, Shuixun Planet has vast waters and many types of river fish.

However, after entering the galaxy war season, the danger factor of Shuixun Planet is very high, and it is not advisable to go on a mission.

They went to catch river fish, not to fight with fighting river fish.

You have nothing to do to fight. Are you full after eating?

Luo Bi listened on the side and was also thinking about which planet to go on a mission to. Catching river fish is different from hunting exotic animals. You have to choose the mission planet carefully.

If you don't pick well, you won't catch anything in a fight. The fighting type He Xian is never ambiguous in fighting.

"At present, the semi-developed planets are mainly Qingyao Star and Blazing Star. Hunting teams and mercenary groups generally hunt on these two planets, followed by nearby undeveloped planets." Fengling turned on the optical brain and adjusted the angle. Showing everyone a look: "Compared to other planets, the hunting areas of Qingyao Star and Blazing Star are also larger. We can choose one of these two planets as the mission planet."

Roger got closer and picked with Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin. They also believed that these two planets were suitable for missions.

"In terms of the quantity of river freshwater, Qingyao Star has the most abundant freshwater rivers." Wen Xiao told everyone what he had learned. He poked at the distribution map on his brain and said: "North of Xiaolu Mountain, there are a lot of freshwater rivers in the Zhulin River section. , let’s go on a mission to Qingyao Star!”

Luo Bi looked closer at the distribution map. In fact, she couldn't quite understand some of the star maps.

If you haven't learned planetary geography well, you can't understand it just because you think you're great.

In the past, when going on missions to occupy territory, Luo Bi would ask others if she was interested. She could only calculate the proportions, but she had no idea of ​​the specific trends of the mountains.

The Thunder Flame Warriors are different. People can probably tell them at a glance.

Roger glanced at Luo Bi, but he didn't realize that Luo Bi didn't understand. He leaned back on the sofa and said, "I can do both planets. If you make up your mind, I won't participate."

Jiang Yixin also means the same, whether it is Qingyao Star or Blazing Star, he can do it. No one can think that the newly refined weapon is powerful without any reason. It is better to catch crab pots, but if it cannot catch, Jiang Yixin plans to buy a few crabs at a high price.

Go and catch a big basket, maybe you can dream about it.

In this way, Fengling made a decision: "Then go to Qingyao Star."

Seeing that everyone had discussed it, Luo Bi looked at Fengling and said, "Let me go?"

If Fengling asked her to go, she would go; if she was not allowed, she would play at home.

Fengling had to take care of her when she was on a mission, and she didn't have to go to Luo Bi even if she wasn't allowed to go.

The crab pot is not an array device. It can be used just by throwing it in a place with a lot of fresh water. There is no need to say that it is difficult to control.

Roger raised his eyelids and hesitated to speak. In his opinion, there was no need for Luo Bi to go. Jiang Yixin also looked at Fengling. It was obvious that he wanted Luo Bi to go on the mission with him.

Luo Bi didn't look at Roger, and there was a smile in Fengling's eyes: "You wait at home for me to come back. When you get bored, you can play with other garrison family members. We will go on a mission quickly and try to get back before dark."

Okay, this means she is not allowed to go, Luo Bi nodded in agreement.

Roger couldn't stand it again: "Let's hang out together?!!"

Luo Bi glanced at him and said, "It's useless. You can't control it!" !

There's really no way around this. Fengling has the final say. Luo Bi can't even be her own boss. She listens to Fengling.

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