Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2556 Small-minded

Wen Yao sat next to Fengling and grabbed a handful of river melon seeds: "I will go on a mission together tomorrow."

Wen Yao and Fengling were in agreement, and Fengling nodded in agreement. Since they had tools to catch river fish, there was no reason to leave them unused. As long as they had sufficient equipment and resources for the mission, they could catch more river fish.

Roger thought about it and discussed with Fengling: "Do you want to call Lenglie?"

Wei Yu's eyes flashed as he ate river melon seeds. Luo Bi glanced sideways at Roger. If Leng Lie was called, she wouldn't let her use the crab pot she made. She called on the Zhu family to catch river fresh food together.

Luo Bi didn't care how much he got when he went on a mission with the Zhu family, but Leng Lie was different.

Leng Lie raised Zhang Wu'er, wondering who could eat the river delicacies caught by Leng Lie.

Luo Bi is petty, and if he can't stand her coldness, Luo Bi may not care about it, but isn't there Zhang Wu'er between them? This won't work.

However, it depends on Fengling's attitude. Luo Bi looked at Fengling again.

Fengling thought a lot, so he put the river melon seeds in Luo Bi's hand without haste, and then said lightly: "The Zhang Wu'er raised by Leng Lie also belongs to the refining department. Do you think it is appropriate to call him Leng Lie?"

Everyone's expressions changed. The talented people in the gifted master world like to scheming for the limelight. They have other ideas and want to learn from whatever others have refined.

Zhang Wu'er, who is raised by Leng Lie, is not a worry-free person. They are just going on a mission to get nutritious and energy food for the interstellar winter festival. Thinking about it, it is really inappropriate to call them Leng Lie.

Although Leng Lie might not be so classless, Fengling would not allow Zhang Wuer to play tricks on Leng Lie.

But no one can believe that Zhang Wuer is not! No one talks about it, but everyone knows Zhang Wuer's identity and how he got into Leng Lie, and how good his character can be.

There was a sneer at the corner of Wei Yun's mouth. If Leng Lie went on a mission together, he would have to share an extra portion of ingredients. In his opinion, it was not necessary at all. Of course, Wei Yu was called on the mission by Fengling, and he would not show it on his face no matter what he was thinking.

Roger didn't think of Zhang Wu'er and Leng Lie together at all. Besides, with Leng Lie around, Zhang Wu'er wouldn't have other thoughts. But Fengling said so, Roger nodded and said: "That's what I said. Didn't you consider that Leng Lie wanted to raise Baiji? I really didn't think of going to Zhang Wuer's place."

Fengling stopped talking. Roger just knew that Zhang Wuer was nothing to him.

Next, while the Leiyan warriors ate river delicacies, they discussed their mission tomorrow. They tallied up their equipment, energy liquids, and elixirs, and estimated how many days they could go on missions.

In the future interstellar, delicious river seafood is also divided into several grades. Red claw crabs and blue crabs are delicious river seafood with high meat quality. If there is less, it is not enough to eat, and if there is too much, it is hard to part with. Roger and Wei Wei went home and took more than ten kilograms. The meat of exotic animals was given to Jiang Yixin, who prepared the ingredients.

Wei Wei took one look and said, "Make it more delicious. Add dried red pepper."

Jiang Yixin was busy with her hands, eating grilled crab claws in her mouth, and nodded in agreement. After the ingredients were baked, everyone ate to their heart's content. After eating, they chatted for a while and went home to rest, preparing to continue the mission tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Fengling woke up, gently tucked Luo Bi into bed, and got out of bed to wash up. Roger was ready and came over. Fengling went back to the bedroom to take a look, picked up her military uniform jacket and went out with Roger.

When Fengling left, Luo Bi didn't fall asleep for a while.

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