Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2567 You can’t even buy it with interstellar coins

Of course, the Zhu family owner didn't believe it even more when he said that he had hunted a imperial concubine pig.

Zhu Xingshao's reaction from the head of the Zhu family was not surprising at all. He and a group of little brothers came to Qingyao Star to play with Wu Cheng. Who would have thought that Luo Bi would only focus on catching the moo beast.

That's all, the Moo Beast was not caught, and instead he hunted a red chicken monster.

Unless the head of the Zhu family doesn't believe it, Zhu Xingshao is still in a fog, and it feels very unreal.

Zhu Xingshao was so anxious that he was tearing up the leaves. The Zhu family leader was doubtful. Luo Bi said angrily: "Zhu Xingshao, forget it if your family leader doesn't believe it. I'll let someone else do it."

Listen to this tone, now the Zhu family leader is convinced. Mr. Zhu next to him shrank his pupils and ordered: "Hurry up and bring a escort team to Qingyao Star. Luo Bi and a group of children can't protect the colored crystal stone. Now It’s the galactic war season, and colored crystal stones are rare and rare items, so they can’t be snatched away by others.”

The head of the Zhu family suddenly stood up, immediately ordered the team, and led the team to Qingyao Star.

Here, Luo Bi made a tripping mound, threw in the green radish, and then everyone went up to the tree again, divided the river melon seeds, and ate them on the tree while waiting for the moo beast to come.

I was originally meant to catch the Moo Beast, but the Red Chicken Monster was just an unexpected surprise.

At this time, everyone's heartbeats were pounding, they couldn't feel at ease even eating river melon seeds, and they were ecstatic when they thought about the red chicken monster. The trees were close, so I called others to chat. I couldn't stop talking, I was so excited.

Zhu Xingshao did not leave, he was in a daze touching the red chicken monster on the tree. Zhu Xingzhi hugged the branch of the tree and didn't know what to think. He glanced under the tree from time to time, but the moo beast didn't come over.

The child thought for a while, got off a tree branch, and got closer to the red chicken monster.

Luo Bi saw this and dialed Fengling's communication. At this time, Fengling, Luo Jie and others had just finished a battle and exited the battlefield to rest. Seeing that it was Luo Bi's communication, Fengling immediately connected.

"Abi, why haven't you come back yet?" Fengling walked to the side and asked.

"Catching strange beasts." Luo Bi replied to him.

Luo Bi had an energy attribute ball, but Fengling was not worried. Luo Bi then asked: "Where is Jiang Yixin? Let him come over. I and a group of children hunted strange beasts and we can't protect them."

Fengling said: "I'll go over there."

Luo Bi smiled and said, "Roger and others will be too worried if you come over. It's better to let Jiang Yixin come over!"

Fengling was very smart, and she immediately understood that Luo Bi didn't want anyone else to participate. Luo Bi caught the Moo Beast, she thought Fengling didn't want to interfere too much, so she nodded in agreement.

Fengling hung up the communication and called Jiang Yixin over to talk. Jiang Yixin was very happy and quit the team.

Luo Bi, Zhu Xingshao, Wu Cheng and others ate a handful of river melon seeds on the tree. Everyone had different thoughts and glanced at the moo beasts from time to time. As a result, the moo beasts couldn't get past them at all.

Luo Bi sighed and planned to continue eating river melon seeds. However, at this moment, small bamboos rustled in the bamboo forest. Zhu Xingshao and Wu Cheng immediately cheered up and looked up.

The small bamboo shook, and a pig emerged from the lush bamboo leaves.

Zhu Xingsu was stunned: "Oh my god, is this a pig?"

Zhu Xingjie pursed his lips and said nothing, clenching the jade sword in his hand: "He is not small, weighing at least two hundred kilograms."

"Whatever you say, we have to catch this pig." Wu Cheng took a deep breath and stopped eating the river melon seeds. He looked at the pig that walked over to eat the green radish and said, "This is not a wild boar, nor a strange beast. There is an interstellar You can’t even buy it with coins.”

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