Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2570 Can’t grab it

Next, Wu Cheng, Zhu Xingshao and others were so busy that they were dizzy.

As soon as the Zhu family guards left, they had just jumped up the tree and were about to chat about the joy of hunting when a cloud pig wandered into the bamboo forest, followed closely by another one.

The Zhu family escorts were not here, so they were not dumbfounded, but Wu Cheng and Zhu Xingshao were dumbfounded.

This one didn't work, and another one came, in a series.

"Damn it, I couldn't find a cloud pig in the past, but today they all came running." Zhu Xingshao was gearing up, he and Zhu Xingzhi were pulling the refining rope, and Wu Cheng and the others were busy with the pigs.

Two pigs were caught in a tripping trap, which made the children so happy that they jumped down from the tree, ran over and broke the pig's mouth, and they jumped up and down, which was out of reach of the children.

Not to mention, there was more than one who broke the pig's mouth, and two pigs jumped up and down. The child slapped their mouths hard, and the two pigs couldn't scream even if they wanted to.

Luo Bi's mouth twitched when she saw it. A group of people were surrounding the pigs. There were only two pigs, so big. How could they be busy enough? Some people grab the pig's trotters as soon as they can, but they can't do it without grabbing them. If they move too slowly, they can't grab them.

This is a cloud pig, I have to touch it no matter what.

There were too many people, and one pig only had four trotters, which was not enough to catch. The others turned around and found an opening, squeezed in, and hugged the pig with all their hands. Oh my god, I got it.

If a group of children started to attack, they would not be able to hold down two pigs.

Nowadays, it’s not whether the pigs are willing to be hugged or not, but the children are curious about the pigs. When you look at them, they call each other a kiss!

If Zhu Xingbao were here, he would probably kiss her twice.

Luo Bi looked anxiously from the tree: "We don't need so many people."

Who listens to this?

Who didn’t know that so many people wouldn’t be needed, but the Little Leiyan warriors just kept their heads down and didn’t feel that there were too many people, and they just squeezed and squeezed to take action, as if too many people could turn one pig into two.

Jiang Yixin was spinning back and forth, but he couldn't squeeze in. "Have you caught him? Get out of the way and I'll tie him up."

He couldn't even grab it.

Zhu Xingshao and Zhu Xingzhi pulled the refining rope on the tree and looked around. It was obvious that they were jealous of other people's work. Didn't they know that there were a few Zhu family's little Lei Yan warriors who wanted to climb the tree to steal their work.

"I'll go take a look." Luo Bi grabbed the branch and prepared to get down from the tree. She was afraid of heights and had to watch carefully before moving.

Zhu Xingshao pulled the refining rope and said, "Go ahead."

Luo Bi stepped on the step ladder and went down the tree. Before she could say anything, the little Leiyan warrior moved out of the way. Jiang Yixin quickly tied up Yunzhu, who was tightly hugged, and the children moved aside.

Jiang Yixin's face was full of joy: "We caught two more."

Everyone laughed together, and they were even more happy when they saw the Zhu family escort team coming from a distance.

Luo Bi took this opportunity to act as a stumbling block, turned around and threw the new green radish over, and only ate a little of this one. It was all because Zhu Xingshao was slow, otherwise the pig wouldn't be able to eat it.

Just pick a piece of radish tassel, but it is just to lure the pig, not to actually make it eat it.

The other green radish was used several times, and now only a small piece was left. Luo Bi also threw it over. No matter what, they waited for the two green radishes to be consumed before ending the hunt.

This time it was not a mission, they were out to have fun, and the hunt was an unexpected surprise.

The head of the Zhu family and the others approached and saw the two captured cloud pigs at a glance. The Lei Yan warriors remained silent for a long time. They went back and forth quickly enough, and as a result, they caught two more cloud pigs.

Awesome! ! !

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