Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2608 Innate Abilities

Luo Bi has this temper. She doesn't want anyone to worry about her, otherwise, she won't play anymore.

Jiang Yixin: "······"

Sometimes Luo Bi's temper is really willful, but they have a good relationship, so Jiang Yixin doesn't say anything. Besides, what if Luo Bi is willful? Someone loves someone.

Luo Bi hung up the call. Fengling took a shower, changed into military uniform and left the bedroom: "You go take a shower, I'll cook. Wen Xiao and He Yun will probably come over in the evening."

Luo Bi nodded and went to the bedroom to take a shower. When she changed clothes and came to the big balcony, Fengling was already grilling meat and making soup. After dinner was cooked, Fengling served Luo Bi a bowl of mushroom soup and sat down to eat.

He Yun and Wen Xiao came over after dinner to discuss the current situation of the three major galaxies. It had been raining and snowing all day, and the prices of food ingredients, which were already high, had increased again.

After seeing off a few people, Luo Bi went back to the bedroom to sleep while Fengling took care of the military affairs.

Jiang Yixin rushed over from the Emperor Star early the next morning. Now that the uniforms were back, Luo Bi condensed them into energy attribute balls, blasting the attacking Hexian one after another.

Tang Shao and the child Zhu Xingbao were very busy at this time. They spawned plant vines and trapped all the green crabs and red claw crabs that could be trapped. The others helped pull the vines with all their hands and feet.

Tang Shao and Zhu Xingbao were overwhelmed, so Lu Xiao and Jiang Yixin stepped forward to help. Their accuracy in trapping crabs was so good! I helped trap green crabs and red claw crabs and caught a lot of live crabs.

Using the crab pots so intensively, several crab pots were broken.

Luo Bi didn't care, He Xiang made and mended crab pots, and continued to catch river fresh food.

By noon, the small spacecraft that captured the river food could no longer be loaded. Wei Yang, He Yun, and Wei Yuan drove the spacecraft back, put it in Jiang Yixin's supply warehouse, and returned to Qingyao Star.

In the afternoon, Luo Bi continued to explode, blowing up all the energy attribute balls in one go. The Thunder Flame warriors were surprised, but after counting the number of fresh food crossing the river, everyone was happy.

On this day, a total of more than 20,000 kilograms of river fresh food was harvested, and each person shared more than a thousand kilograms. Calculated as a large alien beast weighing one thousand kilograms, the energy attribute balls consumed can be said to be very cost-effective.

The children of the Zhu family shared 5,000 jins of river fresh food, He Xiang received more than 1,000 jins, and Wei Zi received more than 500 jins. It can be said that everyone gained a lot and everyone was very happy.

Roger, Zhan Di and others spent a few days socializing on the Emperor Star. When they returned to the Zhihuang Star, they immediately got busy. The alien beasts in the Galaxy War Season were upgraded again, and their combat power changed again.

As a result, nutritional and energy ingredients have become even more scarce.

The legion forces and families of the three major galaxies began to prepare equipment, elixirs, and energy liquids, and took out formation disks and arrays with the knowledge, and the talented disciples also became busy.

People die for wealth and birds die for food, and all forces fight for food.

With the shortage of nutritional and energy ingredients, the prices of refining materials such as spiritual plants and jade swords have soared.

There are rare spiritual plants, jade stones, and jade stones that you can't even buy.

Luo Bi's family had no shortage of nutritious energy ingredients. Fengling went to the military headquarters, so she played at home. When she was bored, she took out the spiritual plants and refining materials she received during the Winter Festival and prepared them for refining.

The combat team had to prepare equipment, elixirs, and energy fluids, so those with poor talents were despised and lost their status at home. Divorces abounded, and several senior military officers were divorced.

Luo Bi watched with cold eyes. Fengling looked depressed and coaxed Luo Bi back home with gentle words.

His wife, Feng Lingchong, hadn't had time yet, so how could she care about talent.

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