Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2615 I didn’t compete with her for coldness

It would be better if Luo Bi didn't move.

Qin Rong put away his brain, and Wen Xiao stopped eating melon seeds. He stood up and was about to leave. This woman really didn't know what to say. If it was another woman, he would just give her enough benefits.

But what Luo Bi cared about was Zhang Wuer's little moves.

The world of geniuses is already full of intrigues and plotting against each other, and it is not uncommon to speak ill of others behind their backs. Wen Xiao didn't even need to ask Zhang Wuer. She must have said bad things behind her back, but she didn't expect anyone to care about her.

Wen Xiao suddenly paused. When he came to his senses, he looked at Luo Bi and said, "Zhang Wu'er said bad things about you behind your back. What does it have to do with the garrison base? She said bad things about you, why did you come to her?"

Finally coming back to her senses, Luo Bi said, "I don't want to talk to her."

Qin Rong's feet stopped: "???!!"

Wen Xiao: “·······”

Okay! With such a temper, he wouldn't even slap himself in the face. How much he looked down on Zhang Wuer. Luo Bi knew that Zhang Wuer was making some small moves, but she didn't want to do it herself, so she directly asked the military department to intervene.

Wen Xiao came back and sat down again: "I might as well tell you the truth. Zhang Wu'er is the woman Leng Lie raised outside. If he slaps Zhang Wu'er in the face, Leng Lie will lose his face. Leng Lie will not agree to it, and there is no way Roger will not agree." Give Leng Lie some face."

How could Luo Bi not know this? She smiled: "I know, it depends on whether the military department favors Zhang Wu'er or me. Anyway, I didn't arrange Zhang Wu'er. She is restless."

Wen Xiao didn't take it seriously, and Luo Bi snorted, meaning: "I don't understand. I didn't compete with her for coldness. What does it mean that she always has trouble with me?"

Wen Xiao's eyes flashed: "She just has some small thoughts."

Luo Bi stopped talking. She knew what Zhang Wuer was thinking.

Maybe she was thinking too much, but Luo Bi had to think more. After all, some women always feel that everyone should revolve around her.

"Let's do this." Wen Xiao changed the topic and proposed a compromise: "When the combat team comes back from the mission, Luo Jie and I will mention it to Leng Lie and let him take care of Zhang Wu'er from now on. We are not outsiders, so The fight is too tense. The galaxy war season is not the time for petty tempers. At present, it is important for us to go on a mission to collect supplies first, and put everything else aside."

She didn't know who she was talking about when she was having a little temper, so Luo Bi assumed she was talking about her. She didn't want to talk to Wen Xiao anymore: "Go back."

Wen Xiao felt a little unhappy. No matter what the military department said, he was always closer to Fengling. Between Luo Bi and Zhang Wu'er, he was definitely leaning toward Luo Bi, but Luo Bi wouldn't agree to anything you said.

How can we talk about this? !

At present, the nutritional and energy ingredients in the three major galaxies are extremely scarce. Neither Roger nor Wen Xiao cares about the quarrels between women. Roger was angry and left. Wen Xiao was not in the mood to stay any longer, so he got up and left.

Luo Bi sent the person to the door, with a smile in her eyes, and closed the door hard.

She was in a very good mood at the moment and strolled to the planting field to look at the vegetables being grown. She had always known that Zhang Wuer liked to make little moves behind his back, but Luo Bi was too lazy to pay attention.

Obviously, Zhang Wuer didn't know how to restrain himself.

So, it’s time for Luo Bi to look through her notebook.

In fact, Luo Bi had also thought about it. With Leng Lie protecting him, the military might not embarrass Zhang Wuer. Luo Bi just wanted to see everyone's attitude. Once she understood it, Luo Bi didn't care about anything.

Luo Bi didn't take Zhang Wu'er seriously, so from now on she would just watch with cold eyes.

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