Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 2624 Interstellar Coin

Luo Bi sent Fan Yao away and sighed softly. Fan Yao was not attractive enough and had average abilities. The best option was divorce. However, Fan Yao was not happy and it was useless for others to worry.

Besides, resources are now in short supply, and everything else is just a cloud.

Who the hell cares about Fan Yao’s marriage?

Luo Bi's mood was a little confused. She went to the balcony of the second bedroom and looked at a small patch of green radish. After planting the seeds, leaving aside the ones that did not germinate, there were probably thousands of small green radish trees.

Green radishes grow in different sizes, but they are not symmetrical.

It has only been growing for more than a month. The small green radish is about the size of a small ham. I don’t know when it will grow.

After seeing enough, Luo Bi came to the big balcony and poured out a pile of jade stones and jade stones to figure out how to extract them. She controlled her mental power to feel the jade stones and jade stones.

These jade stones and jade stones were mined at the beginning of the galaxy war season. They contained the same energy and attributes, so there was nothing difficult to extract. She didn't have the newly mined ones, so she didn't know if they were easy to extract.

He Xiang dialed the message: "Luo Bi, we are all refining and extracting it at the military headquarters. Come over and join us!"

Luo Bi hesitated: "I'm not going."

She had no idea.

He Xiang sighed when he thought that after the alien beast's combat power was upgraded, the refining and extraction would be different. Luo Bi couldn't say anything. He Xiang didn't say anything else. He hung up the communication and worked with Jiang Qianran on refining and extraction. .

Several people have high talents, so they can start refining and extracting them quickly.

Luo Bi played around with jade stones and jade stones of various properties at home, and threw them aside without extracting them. She took out the furnace and planned to refine them, taking out spiritual plants and refining materials.

She has never refined it, and has accumulated a lot of spiritual plants and the like.

Luo Bi flipped through the textbook, but she didn't think it was needed. She took care of the spiritual plants and the like, picked out the ones she liked from jade stones and jade stones, and put them into the cauldron.

The refining materials were all put away. Luo Bi used red flame stones and energy wood to guide the flames. The flames became a little bigger. Luo Bi controlled the flames and adjusted them to warm fire for refining. Just like that, the furnace exploded.

Luo Bi was a little worried about the refining materials, but it was different now than at the beginning of the galaxy war season. The price of refining materials such as spiritual plants was very high, and she exploded the interstellar coins in one furnace.

Fengling got the news from the military headquarters and called home: "Have you refined it?"

There is no need to ask, Luo Bi nodded: "Yeah", Fengling leaned on the office chair and said: "You can't use your innate ability? Stop refining it, keep it at home, otherwise you will get tired and have a headache."

Luo Bi said: "Don't worry about it."

Okay, Fengling said a few more words, hung up the communication and got up to go to the Ice and Snow City Wall with Qin Yilang and Leng Lie. Now that the alien beasts are gathering one by one, their combat power is weak. The combat team takes the opportunity to clean up quickly to prevent them from gathering into a small tide of beasts.

After killing the strange beasts, the soldiers would have meat to eat.

After getting on the military suspension vehicle, Qin Yilang said: "Luo Bi has a headache when using her natural ability. You can ask Zhan Yi to warm up your mental power. If it is not refined or extracted improperly, everyone is busy."

Jiang Qianran is busy from morning to night, so Luo Bi always playing at home is an eyesore.

Not to mention others, the coldness is an eyesore.

Fengling tapped the light brain and sneered at the words: "I can afford Luo Bi."

Leng Lie took a deep breath and drove towards the edge of the planet. He said: "If you don't lack interstellar coins, don't spoil Luo Bi. I can't spoil Baiji, so you can't spoil women."

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